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Yet Another Political Test

I won't deny that he's biased :p But the position he advocates isn't extreme at all - it's pretty much bog-standard, mainstream economics. I don't think "extremist" is synonymous with "dogmatic" or "stubborn". Ignoring other opinions isn't extremist; holding extreme positions is extremist.
No, he's pretty fare out there, in the utterly and completely biased zone.
Economically speaking, somewhat of an extremist, because there is absolutely no consideration of another perspective or middle ground... you know, kind of the definition of an extremist. I don't think he'd deny it.

I do deny it. Socialists are an extreme in one direction. Conservatives an extreme in another. Conservatives now are an extreme even by the standards of conservatives just a generation ago. The fact that the political debate has shifted does not make me the extremist. The people who are shifting it are the extremists. Nothing that I want is really inconsistent with Truman, LBJ, or Kennedy. In that sense, you could even say that I am more legitimately mainstream and conservative than virtually any current member of the Republican party.
I'd propose that anyone using the word "extreme" in a political sense be summarily shot, but you lot would probably call that "extreme" as well...
I'd propose that anyone using the word "extreme" in a political sense be summarily shot, but you lot would probably call that "extreme" as well...

Remember, you are only extreme if this goofy political test says so. The lack of clear definitions or an explanation of how these values are calculated is a secondary concern.
It is just stating what percentage of people it lumped into that particular niche had certain scores which were higher than your own.
It is just stating what percentage of people it lumped into that particular niche had certain scores which were higher than your own.

That or people as a whole? Can we treat these questions as comprehensive for the purposes of determining extremity? Does a two-step partial and complete agree/disagree with 5 emphasis points give enough resolution? How is the weighting between different questions done with the emphasis points vs. without? Does one question necessarily correspond to one category, or is it split between multiple axes? If so, is it a 50/50 split or some other arbitrary fraction? And how does the test know if I view it as more of an axis-A type question or an axis-B type question?

I can go on. Without some kind of backup for the calculation, or at least an explanation as to how it's done, it's a garbage number. A good political test would have a little more transparency after taking the test, or ask you a follow-up based on your answer to determine if it's an axis-A or axis-B question.
I'd propose that anyone using the word "extreme" in a political sense be summarily shot, but you lot would probably call that "extreme" as well...

That is an extreme action. :)
I do deny it. Socialists are an extreme in one direction. Conservatives an extreme in another. Conservatives now are an extreme even by the standards of conservatives just a generation ago. The fact that the political debate has shifted does not make me the extremist. The people who are shifting it are the extremists. Nothing that I want is really inconsistent with Truman, LBJ, or Kennedy. In that sense, you could even say that I am more legitimately mainstream and conservative than virtually any current member of the Republican party.
Yeah, you're right... not extreme... :goodjob:
You are a Social Democrat. 12 percent of the test participators are in the same category and 23 percent are more extremist than you.

You are a Social Democrat. 12 percent of the test participators are in the same category and 48 percent are more extremist than you.

Apparently a liberal; how boring. :S I wish they'd define the terms a bit more.

You are a neoliberal Democrat. 6 percent of the test participators are in the same category and 86 percent are more extremist than you.

my scores compared with two other Neoliberal Democrats here...
Spoiler :

You are a social democratic Cosmopolitan. 13 percent of the test participators are in the same category and 13 percent are more extremist than you.

Yeah, you're right... not extreme... :goodjob:
Golden mean fallacy.
Well so far no one is exactly like me according to the test, but there are other unique individuals around that are not the same group as my but of a separate group that no one else is in, like me.
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