Yo Mama Jokes

Your Mother is so sophisticated, when she calls her chaps, it's in the manner of a proper lady's tone and vocabulary.

Yo mama so beautiful and sexy, you have 900,000,000,000...half brothers...wait, she just had quints...

Yo mama so fat, she be the round used by space battles for one, at sufficient velocity.
YO MAMA'S SO FAT that we're all very concerned for her health, and hope she's alright.
Yo momma's so old, she's older than yo momma jokes.
Yo momma so fat, when she types something at the computer she presses all the keys at once with a finger!
Yo mama so fat, she got hit by a train and she was the only survivor.
Yo momma so fat she got invited to sing a song with Michele Moore and Adele.

edit: do you really live in the gangamn district of Seoul or is that just a joke?
Yo mama so old, she remembers when the jokes in this thread weren't stale.
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