You know you've been playing too much col when..

48. When you disregard the affect of wind and currents on naval travel.
50. When you believe New Spain declared independence from Spain before any other European colonies.

51. When you think any Mother Country-Colony has to end with the Colony declaring independence and the Mother Country sending a bunch of soldiers to kill the Colonists.

52. When you believe Benedict Arnold was never with the Americans because he wasn't a Founding Father or a leader.

53. When you can come up with more than one reason on this thread.
58. when you're on your third desk this week with a large pile of snapped desk firewood outside ... ... too far?
59. when you think the americas were colonized by two men and a boat.

60. when you try to hammer your pickaxe into a gun.

61. when you think horse-breeders can learn how to weave cloth overnight.

62. when your lodge is bigger than a cathedral.
63. when you and the mighty army you have amassed just cant quite bring itself to step over that coloured line on the ground. ("maybe in ten years?")
64. When you conclude one of the founding fathers must've been Sid Meier!

65. When you think the declaration of independance was written in dutch, spanish and french, as well as english.

66. When you believe that European immigrants always queued up in threes, waiting to get onto the dock, but that they couldn't get on automatically, even if the dock was empty.

67. That an expert silver miner was always happy to share a boat with a pretty criminal.
68. when you think missionaries armed with books might just beat soldiers with guns so long as they hide up trees.

69. when you hire expert farmers to catch deer. what they throwin' hoes or somethin?

70. when you think eating 200 hot dogs will result in a grown man popping out from er ... somewhere?
I've only played the original Colonization but I think this applies to both versions:
71. Even the 6-year olds stare at you funnily when your answer to the question "Was there a real Pocahontas*?" is "Yes. As a matter of fact, she was one of the Founding 'Fathers' of New France!"

72. You're shocked to read that the Brazillians speak Portuguese: after all Portugal never colonized the New World!

* Of course, after watching the Disney movie. ;)
73. You refer to history books on North & South America's Colonisation as "vanilla".

74. You refer to China's Govt Santioned history books on North & South America's Colonisation as a Mod.

75. You look at a map of the America's and wonder why they didn't put the Europe sea zone on it.
79) You genuiely believe Euproean colonisation began and ended in the Americas.

80) You see illustrations of colonists in books and on the net and think, Where are their banners on their right?

81) You think that the King of England is a fan of Sylar.
(Sorry, I'm also a Heroes fan!:blush: Seriously, I think the King of England can Sy-brow well.)

82) You use Google Earth to plot all the colonies and native villages. :D
(I was waiting to do a GoogleCiv joke!)

83) You get upset when you can't find Tiiis Tseba or Onodowahagh! :cry:
84) When you wonder how the first colonist can completely build a town hall, blacksmith's house, rum distiller's house etc. out of nothing when subsequent buildings need lots of wood and tools.

85) When you believe the skill of a gunsmith is to turn a tool into a gun.

86) When you question new colonist production on the grounds that the only female colonist in the New World is ever going to be the sugar planter, if you even manage to get one.

87) When you wonder why the dragoon also wields a sword since you've only been making guns, and if he's ever going to use that sword.

88) You realise that silver is up to 20 times more valuable than gold.
89) When you attempt to turn your breakfast into a horse
90) When you think a frigate can enter a city without a dock
91) When you truly believe the only use of sugar is to make rum out of it
92) When you take a trip to Europe to buy vague "trade goods"
93. your dreams are about yourserlf playing civ4 col
94.when someone asks you wat u did over the weekend and you reply "i colonised america and declared my independance"
95.when you think that as soon as europeans met the natives they both could speak the same language
96.when u complain that the game is too easy cause you completed it 20 times in one day on revoloutionist
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