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  • Speaking of alien invasion RTSes, I recently finished the campaign for Combined Arms and this is now headcanon for the conclusion of the Tiberium saga.
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    Reactions: Blake00
    Cool, yeah Mental Omega is another big one I wanna play one day too. The guys behind that and some of the C&C2 mods were kind in letting me use some of their custom units for my Civ2 scenarios too which was cool. I wonder if OpenRA supports cutscenes yet, I'm guessing not as I've seen none in its 3rd party mods.
    That's where mods like Mental Omega and Twisted Insurrection still have the edge atm as they can add in custom cutscenes for more immersive stories and they don't have to worry about version updates breaking their stuff (although openRA handles 3rd party mods way better now so they usually use standalone self installers that don't require the original always changing main release).
    Thorvald of Lym
    Thorvald of Lym
    It definitely handles cutscenes, including the radar P-in-P; that was the main driving force behind Fegel-Alert. :p I think they only support .vqa at the moment (so newer media has to be reformatted to fit), but Release 20230225 adds support for more compact audio codecs including .mp3 and .ogg.
    In your archive adventures, did you find any Civ3-themed mods? I've been eyeing a conversion similar to the Empire Earth Mod, but no sense rediscovering The Wheel. ;p
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    Reactions: Blake00
    Sadly not! That would be awesome! @Civinator did some cool experiments with converting Civ3 unit animations into ToT, but I'm yet to find any evidence of someone trying to do a proper Civ3 mod for Civ2 unfortunately!
    Congratudolences on your Blue Badge! (As long as it's not OT your sanity should remain intact.)
    haha thanks mate. Oh don't worry, I'm not going anywhere near that place lol! For the moment I've just got the keys to the classic Civ areas (1, 2 & 3!) which are nice and peaceful lol!
    Hi Blake00

    I saw the video you shared on the civfan forum and read that you are also looking for old screenplays, some that are no longer available on the World Wide Web. I have saved some civilization III scenarios before, I'll be happy to send them out if you find one you haven't already found. I like your idea of keeping old and new modes of civilization in a safe place.
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    Reactions: Blake00
    Oh wow.. thank you so much! We definitely need to talk then haha! Have you got a list of the mods in your collection? Feel free to chuck me a PM with it! :)
    i am looking for people to play a multiplayer CivNet match with
    I'm all finished with Civ1 stuff and have moved on to Civ2 now which I'm busily finishing up my scenario preservation work and video series for at the moment. I recommend you ask over on the Civ1 forum here at CFC as there might be some CivNet players there although it's pretty quiet these days!
    I see you just liked my post about different Civ communities so yeah I recommend asking in some of them too. :)
    but... it's like playing warcraft 2 against AI all the time... whoever likes civ1, should also be playing civnet imho...
    Hello Blake,
    I am currently looking for a sound map of Civ II units. Kobyashi had one on here at one time, but I can't seem to find it. If you happen to know where I could find it, that would be terrific. Thanks very much for your work saving scenarios files.
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    Reactions: Blake00
    OMG he's back! The Civ2 modding legend is back!! I'll reply to your PM asap as we have lots of good stuff to talk about mate. :) I don't have Kobyashi's sound map but I have one Metropolis made for me. I'll stick it in the PM. It's is not what you mean then I know how to contact Kobyashi as he's not on CFC anymore but is still on the SL facebook.
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    Reactions: Blake00
    Thorvald of Lym
    Thorvald of Lym
    Ah, this I'd heard of. Never did get Tale of the Dragon as I've heard it was a pretty poor outsourcing job. :(
    ahh well I haven't played the Tale of the Dragon SP campaign yet so I can't speak to the quality of that but the new Asian races have been pretty fun in our multiplayer games as they have pretty different buildings and creatures. But yeah I can see the steam reviews are pretty bad haha. Good thing I got it on sale lol!
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