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  • Finally we be concerned with a very annoying bug in the multiplayer mode. Usually we play with WLAN and it happens when the game creator ends his turn, that the round is ended for all players although they are still in action. When being in a war this is really very bothering. Did you heard about that bug or even know a way how to solve it?

    Thank you very much for your answers. We indeed love C3X already much.
    Thank you for the kind words. I haven't heard about that bug but I'll add it to my list. I have no idea what would cause that or how difficult it would be to fix as I've only just scratched the surface of the multiplayer code.
    Getting enthusiastic from your Mod we now have some questions:

    1. The interest limit of 50 gold is a bit boring. Do you think you could find the 50 in the code so it would be editable?
    2. We also don't like very much the unlimited stack possibility in Civ3. Would it maybe be possible to limit stack sizes?
    3. Do you think it could be possible to clear the Golden Age Flag in game enabling a 2nd Wonder Time?
    1. Yes, this should be easy to find & modify.
    2. I could try blocking movement onto overcrowded tiles. That might cause problems though, for example with the AI. I've gotten many requests for this so it's worth trying at least.
    3. Probably, though this would add a layer of complexity to the rules, like what if a player starts a second golden age while already in one? Still should be doable.
    Klaus Meier
    Thank you very much for your quick answer. Then now we wait very excited that you really could easily find the maximum interest limit of 50 gold, as the ability of changing that limit would be really outstanding for us. Again thank you so much for your work changing and improving Civ3.
    Hi Flintlock, we are really impressed of your C3X-Mod. Our own Mod added new game concepts like waterressources, that are needed for some buildings. Your C3X is so good with much less stupid clicking, that we were very sad realizing that it's impossible to build a road on a fish with C3X. Now we have a question: Is it much work to enable this again? We would be very happy, if you could do that. Your fans from Germany
    Thank you! It's nice to know I have fans abroad.
    By default, C3X stops you from using land units to build improvs or cities on water tiles. You can change that by setting disallow_land_units_from_affecting_water_tiles to false in the config. I added that since mods that allow building on water usually add special sea units for that and consider it an exploit to use land units instead.
    Klaus Meier
    Perfect! Many thanks for that hint. Your C3X-Mod ist just so great! But still we did't manage now how to use the stack command feature for workers. Holding the Controkey doesn't work. Must this also be enabled by a certain way? I saw already that it works in the single player mode. Are the stack commands exclusivly for single players?
    Stack unit commands don't work in online multiplayer. It's hard since the mod would have to synchronize commands among all players and I still haven't figured out how that sort of thing works. It's something I'd like to look into though, I've had it in the back of my mind for years now.
    Is there a way to donate to the "C3X Mod" ? I highly appreciate this work.
    I'm glad to hear that. I don't have anything set up for donations at the moment, I'm not sure what would be the best way to go about that. I appreciate the offer at least.
    We salute C3C Supreme Leader Flintlock!!

    We want to thank you for your countless ancient contributions to the best game of all time.
    Would it be possible to take advantage of the effect of the demonstrations in the cities to take advantage of the effects and damage of the bombed terrain?
    Could you help me get it? Thank you.
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