Recent content by adobo

  1. A

    how are you able to build those huge armies?

    Thanks guys, I can really use your inputs here. I just started playing on Regent level, I guess I have to improve the spacing of my cities. How many tiles away should you build your Forbidden city from the capital? I have a hard time deciding where to build the forbidden city. Too close to the...
  2. A

    how are you able to build those huge armies?

    I see a lot of posts here showing hundreds of units around 1600AD some even earlier. I'm just amazed how you can come up with such number. I can build up to a hundred or more of various types but the one's I've seen here have hundreds of units for a single type. If there's a guide or tutorial...
  3. A

    how does capturing or razing an enemy capital affect your civ and game???

    I was wondering how your game or reputation will be affected if: you captured an enemy (AI) civ's capital and you: 1. installed a governor 2. if you razed it? also, any tips on how to engage on a campaign where you only have enough troops to capture cities but not enough to...
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