Recent content by Aevarex

  1. A

    Civ5 manual errata

    p. 98 Spanish version "El Racionalismo no puede estar activo a la vez que la Autocracia." Which translates as Rationalism can not be active as the same time as Autocracy. It should be "Devoción" ("Piety") instead of Autocracy. p47. Under description of Ranged Units, archer combat strength of...
  2. A

    [MODULES] Starting Something

    Thank you, I'm very interested in the starting settler modudle, to use along with the "no settlers" game option.
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    Rise from Erebus 1.30 Bug Thread

    Moka's Cauldron seems to be bugged. It's not only resurrecting living units into demons, it resurrects demons too. In that save the sheaim only have one hellhound in their capital, but I can't take the city because every time I kill the unit it gets resurrected.
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    [Module] Mekara Order

    I guess this is a mistake: in the last version Agents are a national unit limited to 4, while there is no limit for Adjuncts and Behemoths.
  5. A

    Rise from Erebus 1.30 Bug Thread

    There is no limit to the amount of frostlings each Priest of Winter can summon. I don't know if it's a bug, but if it's an intended feature it looks very unbalanced, since those frostlings pay no upkeep.
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    Rise from Erebus 1.30 Bug Thread

    Thre is an event about "There is civil unrest near the X city of X...". The 3rd choice requires espionage points, which are not in RifE.
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    Rise from Erebus 1.30 Bug Thread

    Maybe it's intended, but units that require a certain building in a city to be upgraded can be just upgraded when they are in a fort.
  8. A

    Rise from Erebus 1.30 Bug Thread

    Dunno if it's intended, but playing as the Legion if I build a corrupted pasture on a camel the camel disappears.
  9. A

    Quick Modding Questions Thread

    Thank you, I'll try that :)
  10. A

    Quick Modding Questions Thread

    Hi there. I'd like to know if there is a simple way (my mod skills are limited to edit the .xml files with a text editor :blush:) to set different maintenance costs for different unit types, so for example I can make that a riflemen has a higher upkeep than a warrior, but lower than a tank...
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