Recent content by Alistair_Cookie

  1. A

    GMR Game - Got Cookie?

    Yes, I did not have G&K before, but I do now. There is method to the seeming arbitrariness, I swear. In multiplayer, I sometimes misjudge the Prisoner's Dilemma aspect, in spite of the fact that I of all people should know better. I was concerned that the folks on the other continent would...
  2. A

    GMR Game - Got Cookie?

    The humbled Arabs apologize to all for allowing Rome to take possession of our lands so easily and thus to swell in size. We played an economically greedy game, and then had the misfortune of accidentally setting a Swordsman to 'Automated Explore' allowing the Barbarians to pillage our iron at...
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    GMR Game - Got Cookie?

    The Arabs urge the noble Iroquois not to give in to Roman deception. Surely they will be next to fall to the Roman armies if their Arab buffer falls, allowing extra Iron into the Roman hands. We will more than match any luxury items they offer in return for good friendship.
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    GMR Game - Got Cookie?

    The Arabs apologize if the location of their settling has caused some concern but the surrounding terrain left them little choice. Perhaps soon we shall be in a position to offer our good neighbors the Iroquois very favorable trading terms in exchange for their patience and understanding.
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    GMR Game - Got Cookie?

    I will remind all that the Arabs are a peaceful nation, looking only to trade their fine wares far and wide. Also I will be out of town from July 24th to 27th. I apologize in advance for the wait and hope the great warrior nations of the world do not grow too impatient.
  6. A

    GMR Game - Got Cookie?

    I have replayed the turn now, so everything should be good I hope.
  7. A

    GMR Game - Got Cookie?

    Thanks Banman!!! Looks like it's all sorted out. You're up!
  8. A

    GMR Game - Got Cookie?

    Sadly, it seems multi-player Civ remains a bit of a trial... It's now my turn and it's asking for my password. I didn't set one for my first turn, but the Continue button is grayed out. Same thing if I try 'Change Password.' Any idea what's going on?
  9. A

    GMR Game - Got Cookie?

    Thanks Kyp - turn reverted. Sorry Banman, you'll have to do it again, we'll see if that works!!
  10. A

    GMR Game - Got Cookie?

    Technically it's COOKIE!! The double exclamation marks are certainly important. So since Banman took the last turn, he needs to try reverting, is that right??
  11. A

    GMR Game - Got Cookie?

    For those checking the thread - we are now a go once more! Let's hope this works a little better. This time, Cookie rolls the sumptuous Arabs, who look forward to peace and lucrative trading opportunities with all.
  12. A

    GMR Game - Got Cookie?

    Bahh!! Curse you, Tabarnak! (wait a minute, that's redundant...) Okay, hopefully nobody minds if we get a clean slate. No DLC this time, sadly, just to make sure it works for everyone. : < Invites have been sent.
  13. A

    GMR Game - Got Cookie?

    Great, looks like everything's a go then! Tabarnak is up, and let's see if we can find our 'rhythm' for this group for when people are able to play.
  14. A

    GMR Game - Got Cookie?

    Ok - try now.
  15. A

    GMR Game - Got Cookie?

    Cleared up the snafu with Tabarnak and so... Game has begun!! Alistair is first player and rolls the magnificent Ottomans. Banman is up next. Complete turn order: Cookie -> Banman -> Tabarnak -> Kyp Durron -> Foffaren -> EEE_Boy Map settings were Quick Speed, Continents Plus...
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