Recent content by Amenhotep IV

  1. A

    I Lost on eumh... Chieftain?

    You kiddin me! Why are you people playing on such low levels? :crazyeye: I played on Monarch just a few times for a start in CivIV and the AI was so silly there. Never ever play below Emperor or you'll kick AI's ass even if you're blind.
  2. A

    1.52 Patch Available

    Hey, I have just installed the new patch and it turns out it spoils the game completely ! In the early game I now always have 6gpt upkeep of civics, while in the old game I had 0gpt. So basically with 2-3 early cities I have to run at 20% research rate, which is totally unacceptable.
  3. A

    Deity and modern start

    First: modern start suxx. Oh, even badly. You loose a lot of fun from the early game. Second: well, try harder ;) You won't beat Deity as easily as Immortal. You'll need a lot of games to play... Third: then start on 4000BC and you'll get some for sure.
  4. A

    Skip Prince and go straight to Emperor. Maybe diety?

    Yeah Deity is completely from outer space. I beat prince, monarch, emperor then immortal all with SS each time (except for Prince) having to play 5-10 long games before I could win. Deity will require a lot more ! Pyramids are rather out of question, but you can make it to Oracle with chopping...
  5. A

    AI cheats with wonders?

    Indeed. And that's why I'm surprised she builit Apollo that fast. She couldn't have builit it later than in 10 turns after dicovering Rocketry. That's for sure. I did have Aluminum, but I didn't have enough hills to make hammers or I had in one city, but it didn't have enough grasslands to...
  6. A

    AI cheats with wonders?

    Yeah, I know I didn't see it. But what surprised me is how she managed to build the Apollo Program that fast? It took me almost 30 turns to do the same in my biggest city.
  7. A

    AI cheats with wonders?

    I was playing a Deity game, and was 2 techs ahead from Isabella (the AI leader) from one side -- I had Biology and Corporation. She had Rifling, MilTrad and Steel. Well at least it those were visible through the trade screen. And then all of a sudden I see "Isabella completes Apollo Program" ...
  8. A

    survey: What level are you playing?

    After having beaten Immortal on standard map 8 civs, I moved to Deity, but without any success yet. Maybe, it's because I want to win on small map at least (with space ship of course - I hate conquest/domination victories). Funny thing that so many people play on Noble. Never tried this one as...
  9. A

    The jump to immortal

    Sure you do. But I prefer to get Robotics first to start the Elevator asap and then go for Satellites and Fusion... that is how it worked in my game, and the AI already had Satellites before me. Nevertheless, they lost the race to Fusion. @Shillen: I basically did whatever I could to please...
  10. A

    The jump to immortal

    Bigger is not always better. In my Immortal winning game on Standard 8 civs map Hatshepsut had twice as many cities as I did (after crushing Isabella). but he never managed to come closer to me than 2 techs. In contrast Mansa had 2 cities less than me and he was always 0-2 techs ahead (but he...
  11. A

    Your Thoughts On Wonders?

    ... or rather to beat the AI to Theology for free to get at least one religion when you play on Immortal+ :D
  12. A

    Speculation on enemy AI's. {Long}

    Well... I got him as the closest neighbor in both my Emperor and Immortal Space race wins and he was always at least pleased, as I converted to his religion (but then captured his holy city with culture :D). He never caused any problems to me - always a few or more techs behind (except until...
  13. A

    How to start on emperor and above

    I had a bit of luck with starting location. I was on a long but not wide continent together with Rooselvelt (he's always friendly, and besides I converted to his religion) and Tokugawa. And I started, say in 1/3 of the whole length, with the remaining 1/3 unoccipied by anyone and after 3rd...
  14. A

    Space elevator

    Anyway, the advantage that the elevator gives is not too big - in most time you have more than 50% of the SpaceShip built when you "build" the elevator. It usually helps me just a bit with Stasis Chamber and Engine which are expensive and appear late. But combined with golden age it may give a...
  15. A

    Space elevator

    Yes, that would be the case. In the game I could build it only in 2 southmost cities (and I was in the north). Anyway, civilopedia doesn't explain that...
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