Recent content by aragogthebest

  1. aragogthebest

    Lair Redesign

    wow looks interesting can't wait
  2. aragogthebest

    Game core dll

    @Gammon : heh heh heh funny I'm sure it'll be ready in good time if its rushed it would have loads of bugs and watnot
  3. aragogthebest

    Game core dll

    all right never mind I just wanted a look round the code to learn it a bit better for when I mod (I learn through examples) i'll wait for 1.31
  4. aragogthebest

    Game core dll

    Where can I find the source code stuff for the game core it's probably staring me in the face bout I can't see it; thanks
  5. aragogthebest

    Rise from Erebus 1.30 Bug Thread

    this may just be my rubbish computer but whenever I load a game it goes to initialise then stops responding no python errors or anything btw I'm using a map script that I'm testing but i don't think that's got anything to do with it
  6. aragogthebest

    [Module in Development] Fall through hell

    Fall Through Hell Fall through hell is a mod/ scenario for Rife were the Banor and Sheaim reach a climatic battle to save Erebus but something goes wrong In the heart of the final Sheaim city A Banor regiment stumbles across a group of Sheaim summoners taking them by surprise they cut...
  7. aragogthebest

    Does anyone recognize this symbol?

    yeah I'm pretty sure that tha't not been used before to my knowledge
  8. aragogthebest

    [mod] The Song Of The Moon 2

    this looks good ill defiantly play it when i get my new computer thats got space on in
  9. aragogthebest

    ModModder's Guide

    thanks i add this to it
  10. aragogthebest

    ModModder's Guide

    i was making an unit for the amurites that would spawn like a grigori adventurer but i wanted it to require kote I've got everything else sorted i think i just needed that
  11. aragogthebest

    ModModder's Guide

    how do you add a tech prequestie for something like the grigori adventurer spawn?
  12. aragogthebest

    ModModder's Guide

    how would you make a unit be created when say a city is destroyed also how do you apply a random race promotion when a unit is created
  13. aragogthebest

    [MODULE] Amurite Worker UU

    thanks will change the download and add it i just found that bug myself
  14. aragogthebest

    ModModder's Guide

    thanks for the quick reply
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