Recent content by austin2359

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    History's most Brutal Dictators?

    When I think about it, Saddam killed to prevent the spread of Islamic fundamentalism, as he was a more secular leader...and I prefer Saddam to a clerical regime.
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    History's most Brutal Dictators?

    I'm not advocating taking out Saddam. He was evil, but the people he ruled over deserved it. Yes, it was a typo.
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    XX Century Mod 3

    Maybe an expansion could be made to work with the latest expansion pack, "beyond the sword." Now that there is a Khmer Empire, pol pot can be added. edit: Nero and Vlad the Impaler would be other good additions.
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    Meir Kahane Mod?

    If the Arab Hitler Yasser Arafat is there, how about a hardcore Zionist (The Israeli leaders in the other mods are TRAITORS)!
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    Pol Pot and Vlad "the Impaler" Tepes mods?

    I see the Khmer Empire has been added into the new expansion. That will help me add Brother Number One.
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    History's most Brutal Dictators?

    BTW, I voted for Saddam. Other people were brutal, but at least they thought they were fighting for a greater cause. Hitler thought he was fighting Marxism by going after Jews, Stalin thought he was unifying class division, Mao thought he was advancing the economy...but Saddam killed for no...
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    History's most Brutal Dictators?

    the fighting between Vietnam and America on the border killed many Cambodians, along with the invading Viennese and "Republic" army.
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    History's most Brutal Dictators?

    Pol Pot is a hero. He saved more people than he killed...if he killed anyone.
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    Pol Pot and Vlad "the Impaler" Tepes mods?

    Anyone got them? I want to play as my idols.
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    Graphics problem - Everything is violet

    Overclocking can occasionally give you distortions and errors. Its possible that it will work on some games, and not others.
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    Causes of the Great Depression

    People lost their confidence in the market. The marginal propensity to save started to outweigh the propensity to spend. People simply held onto their money because they thought the American economy was a bad investment. That is why FDR used so much government intervention, he had the...
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    Post Civil War American Politics.

    Obviously the war tour the nation apart, not to mention the South was still bitter.
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    Who is the most influential person ever?

    It is Darwin. Without Darwinism, Fascism, Nazism, and Communism would have never existed.
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