Recent content by Banazir864

  1. Banazir864

    World Builder

    I miss Civ2 Gold when not just making custom maps but making complete overhaul mods was accessible even to non-modders---even a child (like me at the time) could do it.
  2. Banazir864

    Design a civ using known Civ VII mechanics

    MASHONA - EXPLORATION AGE CIVILIZATION During the Late Middle Ages and Early Modern period, the Shona people of southern Africa (plural: Mashona) built many cities with high stone walls. The greatest of these was Great Zimbabwe. Using the region's rich gold supplies, they were able to trade...
  3. Banazir864

    A 5th Age: High Frontier O'Neill Style Space Colonization

    This reminds me of Civilization 2: Test of Time, and I would be 100% in favor of bringing that back.
  4. Banazir864

    Scenarios and Full Mods utilizing Age system

    A Middle Earth mod could make good use of the Age system. Go Dorthonion->Numenor->Gondor as Beren. Or be ahistorical and go Doriath->Khazad-dum->Dorwinion as Sam Gamgee.
  5. Banazir864

    Civilization VII Screenshots Thread (Funny, Strange, etc.)

    That tablet was probably included because it became a bit of a meme for how much it sounded like a modern customer complain.
  6. Banazir864

    Genius Idea for UI Art Style!

    Yes. I like how Age of Empires 2 does it with the different civilizations---the UI differences are subtle, but still distinctive.
  7. Banazir864

    Genius Idea for UI Art Style!

    I could see a more subtle difference between ages (e.g., fonts or background textures), but certainly not wacky cursors.
  8. Banazir864

    Civilization VII Screenshots Thread (Funny, Strange, etc.)

    Technically, it is on a mountain, since that's what an island is. A mostly-submerged mountain, but still...
  9. Banazir864

    Is wide (bordering ICS) viable in civ 7?

    Yes, and it applies empire-wide, i.e., to all of your settlements, not just some of them.
  10. Banazir864

    boesthius: Civ7 - One Step Forward, Two Steps Backwards

    "One Step Forward, Two Steps Backwards" Much like the release versions of V and VI. That's why I have hope that most of the flaws will be remedied in a year or two.
  11. Banazir864

    Faction Color

    I've wanted this for a while now. As someone who cares a lot about colors, I remember liking Egypt's gameplay in V but I couldn't bear looking at that magenta-on-yellow for hours on end. I was thrilled when the jersey system released in VI, and one of the first things I did was download a mod...
  12. Banazir864

    Is wide (bordering ICS) viable in civ 7?

    Spiffing Brit's video showed that the penalty caps at -35. I don't know if they've changed that, but if they haven't, you can go infinite if you can manage an empire-wide -35 happiness. I suspect that's possible with the right build, but it's not the sort of thing you can do on an ordinary...
  13. Banazir864

    Which decade has the most Civfanatics?

    For me, the peak was Civ II Gold with the sci-fi and fantasy scenario pack, but I’m sure a lot of that is nostalgia. I still really like the whole “layer” idea from the scenarios and would like to see an updated version in a modern Civ game.
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