Recent content by binici

  1. B

    In which I fail at Civ5

    Love the new approach. So many different ways to play this game on each difficulty, with different civs and maps. You are a great learner and player.
  2. B

    looking for people to play civ5

    I took a break and now looking to play online again. I love to play long games and not in a competitive way. Seems like many good players around here and some actually play to have fun and meet new people. Thanks for the link to the resources.
  3. B

    In which I fail at Civ5

    Wow, I loved this thread. I learned so much and it was fascinating to read all the tips and tricks. I tried deity once and wasn't sad when I lost, but intrigued on how to beat it one of these days...
  4. B

    NEW PATCH - December 19

    The game I am playing right now is perfect (Prince level) with seven other civs. All the CS and other civs are attacking the vikings (because he was being a ****) while Egypt was caught by surprise by me because he was building his cities near mine. I attacked just to push him back into time...
  5. B

    Workers keep destroying my forts! Help

    Forts and Cits actually help if you are in a two war front. Mountains will make your decisions more easy if you can strategically place them in the right spots, otherwise, they will waste your 4-5 turns...
  6. B

    Significant improvements to MP in new patch

    I'm always interested in playing! Sad when people quit because they cannot wait an extra 5secs for loading or decisions.
  7. B

    Welcome New Members

    Hello all! My name is Robert and I have been an addict since Civ2 :help:, which I played during the end of its run. Ultimately, I became a true fan playing Civ3 and that was really an addicting game for me. After many years and finally graduating and working in the real world, I had no...
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