Recent content by Brevity

  1. B

    Wonder Elimination Thread

    Alhambra - 11 Big Ben - 18 Borobudur -16 Broadway - 18 Chichen Itza - 25 Colossus - 21 Fantastic wonder at a terrible spot in the tech tree. Love capturing it, but like the Great Library rarely worth Beelining for it on higher difficulties. Eiffel Tower - 27 Forbidden Palace- 28 Globe...
  2. B

    Unique Unit Elimination Thread

    Agreed, and if anything this poll/thread ended up with a top 5 featuring units all from the same era. If anything it just reinforced the preferred timing (renaissance) and method (ranged units) for going to war in the current game state. I don't believe breaking units up into different orders...
  3. B

    Unique Unit Elimination Thread

    Camel Archer 37 Cho-Ku-Nu 45 Impi 37 Janissary 12-3=9 Not a bad unit but we're down to the best of the best here (or at least the most popular) and these guys draw the shortest straw. Keshik 41+1= 42 Might not be stronger than their Arabian counterparts but they're certainly harder, better and...
  4. B

    What Should a Newbie Focus On?

    Grats and well done! I feel a little late to this thread but I felt like adding a couple of tips that helped me succeed the climb from Prince (when I started) all the way to Immortal (and rising). 1. Patience and (as Whiterussian astutely points out) Focus- This is what ended up holding me...
  5. B

    Unique Unit Elimination Thread

    B17 22 Battering Ram 20 Berber Cavalry 21 Berserker 4 Camel Archer 32 Carolean 34 Chu-Ko-Nu 34 Companion Cavalry 16 Conquistador 19 Cossack 25 Horse Archer 22 Hussar 22 Hwacha 24 Immortal 18 Impi 28 Jaguar 24 Janissary 27 Keshik 35 Legion 21 Longbowman 36 Minutemen 20...
  6. B

    Unique Unit Elimination Thread

    African Forest Elephant 12 B17 21 Battering Ram 23 Berber Cavalry 21 Berserker 11 Camel Archer 31 Carolean 31 Chu-Ko-Nu 34 Companion Cavalry 15 Conquistador 22 Cossack 25 Horse Archer 22 Hussar 22 Hwacha 24 Immortal 17 Impi 27 Jaguar 24 Janissary 26 Keshik 35 Insanely fast, levels at...
  7. B

    Fall Patch changes discussion thread

    They probably build the improvement directly on the tile (embarked) since it's a fishing boat (tile improvement name) and not a work boat (unit name). Even if that is the case though, how long does it take them to do it is still a pertinent question. If it's instantaneous like a work boat would...
  8. B

    I Misjudged Sweden's Potential in BNW

    Indeed they are, although their new start bias (Tundra) keeps them somewhat in check. Their unique lancer isn't that much to write home about either. Still, they have a very good UA, and a pretty solid 2nd UU... even if it is a melee unit. Also, like you point out the 90 influence from...
  9. B

    Deity Japan LP (by Moriarte)

    You make it look too easy, lol. Even the slow start couldn't hinder your progress, although maybe having Venice as one of your immediate neighbors probably helped a bit, as it ensured you had some room to expand to the west? Even so, I don't think having a different neighbor would've made much...
  10. B

    Hiawatha vs Deity (by Moriarte)

    Another clinical win, well done! There were only 2 decisions over the course of the game that I would maybe question. First is using the GE on the Kremlin rather than using it on Neuschwanstein (for the happiness earlier) or saving it for the switch you knew you were soon making and rushing the...
  11. B

    Mayan Cultural Game (by Moriarte)

    Nice win really the only "mistake" you made that stood out was being "1 round behind" on the World Congress early on. What I mean is you had the opportunity to pass the World Religion on the first voting session but ended up doing so in the next era, which you could've used to pass Freedom as...
  12. B

    Moriarte's Deity LP: Polynesia, Large Islands.

    I agree with Tich in that watching powerful Civs in action call also be fun, doubly so for something as potentially complex/intricate as the Maya played well. Just wanted to comment though on the Poland suggestion, as much as we all love using Poland in BNW, especially with the brilliant Trad +...
  13. B

    Are Civs going for Science Victory Anymore?

    I've seen the AI attempt a Science Focused strategy, though yeah they seem to heavily skew towards pursuing culture there's still the odd AI player that goes for the Space Race. One not so subtle thing however that appears to be working against it, and what makes the AI such a poor Science...
  14. B

    Moriarte's Deity LP: Polynesia, Large Islands.

    I'd say stick to your domination plan. While that would make it the 2nd straight LP series you've done as domination at least they've been approached in a completely different manner, one being land based (well more like bomber based) and one that's going to be exclusively naval from the looks...
  15. B

    Buzzdowan's LP Series - Sweden - "Harder Siamese Twins rev. 2" (Immortal)

    Are you going to be continuing the series buzz? Been quite a while since your last video.
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