Recent content by Caligastia

  1. Caligastia

    Whites in New Zealand before Maori?

  2. Caligastia

    Welcome New Members

    I'm not a new member, but I'm new to Civ4, having just bought it. I look forward to learning how to play, as the last civ title I spent a lot of time on was Civ2.
  3. Caligastia

    A Civ II MGE "No-CD" patch...

    The link no longer works. Does anyone have another one?
  4. Caligastia

    Happy holidays!

    Merry Christmas.;)
  5. Caligastia

    Whites in New Zealand before Maori?

    So you think he can't tell the difference between an ape skeleton and a human one?:crazyeye:
  6. Caligastia

    Whites in New Zealand before Maori?

    But what if there were no locals at the time? Also, assimilation (if that is what happened) may have left some traces. The maori don't all have the same color skin, after all...
  7. Caligastia

    Whites in New Zealand before Maori?

    Did I say I believed his claims were true? No, but I don't immediately throw them out simply because they don't jive with my pre-existing worldview. As for your "rational" world, do you really think its rational to ignore scientific evidence simply because it involves an interesting new idea...
  8. Caligastia

    Whites in New Zealand before Maori?

    Maybe you should read it. Obviously this guy has found evidence of more than just pre-celtic peoples in New Zealand. I find this evidence intriguing, whereas you just dismiss it instantly because it challenges what you already believe. You refuse to even speculate that the orthodox view of NZ...
  9. Caligastia

    Whites in New Zealand before Maori?

    Pre-celtic.:rolleyes: Try again.
  10. Caligastia

    Whites in New Zealand before Maori?

    You are just assuming without looking at the evidence. Come back when you have read what this guy has to offer more thoroughly.
  11. Caligastia

    Whites in New Zealand before Maori?

    I agree. We kick arse.:cool:
  12. Caligastia

    Whites in New Zealand before Maori?

    In what way?
  13. Caligastia

    Whites in New Zealand before Maori?

    I found this site which shows evidence of a pre-celtic New Zealand. It's pretty interesting. Very old skeletons with red hair etc...can white New Zealanders live guilt-free now?:D
  14. Caligastia

    Where else do you post?

    Apolyton, Counterglow and Newsmax
  15. Caligastia

    Conservative or Liberal?

    I lean conservative, with some extreme right views, and some liberal views.
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