Recent content by Carrierdude

  1. C

    Quick Questions and Answers

    hi everyone. So i tried to make my own map with the world builder so i put all my resources and whatnot in it and then went to the game to play. When i tried to build a mine over my resources it would give me less resources instead of more (eg. when i started the game i had 0 aluminum, when i...
  2. C

    map creation HELP!

    So i created my own map and placed all my resources. Then when i went on the game and tried to build a mine over the resources it would give me even less then what i had. (i now have -56 aluminum, -20 uranium ect) does anyone have a solution.
  3. C

    Unit Request Thread

    @Nutty. Thanks for the info. And no I didn't disable embarking I just thought it would be cool for the carriers to be able to carry tanks as well
  4. C

    Unit Request Thread

    Would someone be able to make a super carrier with different graphics from the in game carrier graphics? I don't know if its possible but if it could carry modern armour and mechanized infantry as well as jet fighters that would be awesome
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