Recent content by crudman69

  1. C

    How to play non Fin/Org leaders?

    fin/org provide a significant boost to gold gold is key to everything thus making those 2 traits the most intuitive to play... especially so for those wanting a domination/conquest victory when playing anything other than those traits, you have to focus on: building cottages not...
  2. C

    6K Man's guide to Reloading

    lol why is this even a discussion i can sum up the original post in a sentence Reloading: the act of reloading a previously saved game to prevent already experienced future events from happen ------ it speaks for itself... you played 1 route... you didn't like the outcome... you...
  3. C

    Unit promotions..?

    civ 4 promotion system is fine although if they changed it to 'set in stone' promotions based on unit type (eg: C&C games ie: more powerful weapons with unique animations) then that would also be fine. i don't believe viewing enemy promotions is all that crucial to anything i've never...
  4. C

    Funny Screenshots: Part Deux

    not really funny but anyway...
  5. C

    Importance of naval supremacy

    for the type of game civ is... sea is just not that important. it becomes even less important when you go out of your way to make your map anything but archipelago as mention by some but in less direct ways... sea in real life is simply for transport/trade ---- civ is not a trading...
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