Recent content by Cubicsquare

  1. C

    Quick Questions and Answers

    Do they get the +100% tourism
  2. C

    Quick Questions and Answers

    Do Film Studio turn on individually for each Civ that is in the Modern Era, or do they turn on when the World reaches Modern?
  3. C

    [NFP] Trading after Feb Patch

    Because it's hard to determine where to draw the line. What would be an acceptable amount of gold to offer AI for Diplo favors? I think a lot of problems from the trading system stem from the fact that Deity AI has almost infinite gold.
  4. C

    [GS] Early faith and religion

    I just came back to Civ since Vanilla and have been reading what's meta in terms of strategy. It seems that early religion/faith is now considered very good because of Monumentality, Earth Goddess, Dance of the Aurora and Religious Settlements. Is this a general advice, or more oriented...
  5. C

    The Basics of Winning in Civilization VI

    Thanks for the write up, I'm a new civ 6 player (played a lot of civ 5) and this helps a lot. What I struggle with is when to build the city center buildings. When should you build a monument in your main city? After your settlers rush? What about in your other cities? When should you build a...
  6. C


    I started an Ottoman run recently, but I'm trying a different approach, I'm going for the peaceful way, aiming for Science Victory. I don't think progress is bad for the Ottoman, since you can build cities closer to your trade partners. Closer cities means shorter and more easily defended TR...
  7. C

    Quick Questions / Quick Answers

    God of the open sky: Does "featureless" also mean no TI?
  8. C

    Warring overpowered?

    My cities are usually fine, 2-3 unhappiness/10-15 people. But captured cities with high pop and no buildings can drop my happiness by 10-12 pts each. I'm focusing on happiness buildings, but still can't get it back up? Am I capturing too many cities too fast? I keep hearing of people capturing...
  9. C

    Warring overpowered?

    New Guy looking for help here. I usually play King/Emperor difficulty. I've never been much of a warmonger and I'm trying my hand at it. Im doing pretty good strategically, I can capture lots of cities pretty easily and rarely lose units. My problem is happiness. Once I capture a few cities...
  10. C

    Warmongering penalty/Global Peace Accord

    What gives warmonger points? Is it only city captures? I'm in a game as Austria and the first World Congress is up. I obviously am leading in votes (11 votes, which is the same as all other civs combined) My cities are in a very good defensive position, except one side who faces a 15+ cities...
  11. C

    Quick Questions / Quick Answers

    What bonuses do AIs get on each difficulty?
  12. C

    Quick Questions / Quick Answers

    Wow that's crazy good.
  13. C

    Quick Questions / Quick Answers

    How do Jelling Stones "on kill bonus" work? I.e. if I have only one Jelling Stones in my entire civ, will my units get the culture/prod on kills? If more than one city has JStones, which one gets the production? The closest one?
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