Recent content by Culliganator

  1. C

    3.17 Global Warming Mechanics

    Global Warming would be so gradual as to have little effect on a player in the short term. You could have it play out for the longer term but the question still remains as to what is causing the warming in the first place...
  2. C

    WoC General Discussion

    Hi, I just started using WoC but am having a terrible time using civfanatics' search feature to look for downloadable WoC content. The search feature requires a minimum of four characters and it seems a shame to me that a little thing like that could hamper such a great mod concept. I find...
  3. C

    4 character search limit could be killing WoC

    Moved to general discussion thread.
  4. C

    Welcome New Members

    Hi everyone. Just rediscovered Civilization and am trying out some of the great mods that have been developed.
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