Recent content by Cybah

  1. Cybah

    Simple Python Things

    getinfotypeforstring does always give you an integer (a number) and pUnit needs to be a unit instance. Btw: I think onCityBuilt has no Unit instance, so you cannot test the settler for promotions. See here: def onCityBuilt(self, argsList) city = argsList[0] you can only alter or test...
  2. Cybah

    Caveman 2 Cosmos

    From modder to modder: May I have your sources for the graphic paging option?
  3. Cybah

    pickling (loading/unloading) game data

    No answers here? Damn.
  4. Cybah

    [SDK] How to access python script data from SDK?

    I need to know how I can access script data from sdk, a get function would be enough. I need it for an interface modification. For python I'm using SdToolKitCustom.
  5. Cybah

    Gold/Turn Trade Exploit - any unofficial bugfix around?
  6. Cybah

    Major Bug: Generating infinite money in any MP game

    Is there no unofficial bugfix for this?
  7. Cybah

    Platy World Builder

    How can I form an alliance between players with your builder? Edit: Found it.
  8. Cybah

    Happy Golden Age

  9. Cybah

    Pirates (Modular)

    What do you mean? I have my own german mod...since many years. ;)
  10. Cybah

    Pirates (Modular)

    Can anyone reup anywhere? Need this.
  11. Cybah

    Canadian Modern Pack

    Which animations are used for all the models? The AT does not seem to use the Anti-Tank animation.
  12. Cybah

    RoM Latest Version

    Where can I find the source files?
  13. Cybah

    Protection Group for AI Siege Units

    I want to make the AI move siege units with a protecting group like moving a settler. It's too easy to kill single siege units on their way to the AI main stack. ;) Any ideas?
  14. Cybah

    Toggle Resource Layer ON by default - how to?

    Does anybody know? Doesnt matter if sdk/python/xml. I just want to see the resources on the map by default.
  15. Cybah

    UCAV (unmanned combat aerial veh)

    Does anyone got this unit?
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