Recent content by Daiyoukai Ramza

  1. D

    Fast Food (Horrible Title...)

    Most of my BtS starts have been way better than vanilla and warlords starts... And, usually, those starts end up being even better later on, due to uncovered resources from techs and random events that increase the :hammers:/ :food: /:commerce: of a given tile... which I seem to get a lot...
  2. D

    I just tried to go back to Civ3...

    Ah, thanks to the both of you. I just got done replacing the default terrain... now, with those corruption adjustments, control issues (just figured out how to remedy that one in the short 'test' game I was just in, to see if anything was screwy), and new default terrain... I think I'll be...
  3. D

    I just tried to go back to Civ3...

    Personally, I switch between the two. I started with Civ IV, and when I first played Civ III, it was a bit of shock to my system... mostly the fact that territorial expansion in Civ III is just so much more... rapid. There's also the whole 'corruption & waste' issue, but I've recently made some...
  4. D

    Endless war

    Somewhat off-topic, but when I saw the topic title... a modified version of "The Song that Never Ends" came to mind. This is the war that never ends, Yes, it goes on and on my friends. Some people started fighting it, not knowing what it was, And they'll continue fighting it forever just...
  5. D

    Biggest technological gap?

    Hrm, in my most recent full game (Noble/Standard/Medium&Small/Marathon), I was situated on a continent with Isabella and Augustus. Naturally, I had wars with the both of them... six with Augustus (I really only war to relieve cultural pressure on important cities... or if I'm attacked), and two...
  6. D

    Brainstorm possible Civs'!

    Heh, what I am about to say is purely in jest... Latveria Leader: Victor von Doom ~ Charismatic, Organized UU ~ Doombot (Doesn't replace any unit, need robotics to access) 28 :strength: , 2 :move: , 220 :hammers: to build , doombots have an anti-war weariness effect in cities; 25% per...
  7. D

    Your CIVer's Profile

    Favoured Religion: Buddhism Favoured Civic: Universal Suffrage Favoured CIV: Carthage/Netherlands/Rome Worst Enemy: Louis XIV & Napoleon Favoured Map: Big & Small or Hemispheres Specialized Army: Trebuchet/Catapult/Cannon with Grenadiers.... lots and lots of Grenadiers. Diplomacy Level: 4.5...
  8. D

    Top 3 Leaders to play

    Hrm... my top 3 leaders are... Hannibal - He's been my favorite Civ IV leader since I first bought Warlords. Nice traits, nice UU... plus, he's freakin' Hannibal. Willem van Oranje - I've been playing as the Dutch for the past few games... I'm enjoying them VERY much. I'm very impressed with...
  9. D

    The key to the game

    I'm casting my lot in with the "Land is Power" crowd.
  10. D

    What is the first difficulty level you will play?

    I'm a noble-level player, with better AI. I'm not entirely sure what the non-modded difficulty level would be. Some people says it adds half a difficulty level, others say it adds an entire difficulty level. So, depending on who you ask, I guess I'm either either a noble and a half-level player...
  11. D

    Most Agressive Leader!!!

    I chose Monty, Napoleon, and Ghengis Khan... I would have chosen Shaka too, but adding him to my "Most Aggressive Leaders" list only occurred to me AFTER I'd submitted my votes... oh well. Anyway... Monty's there for obvious reasons. He's the archetypal aggressive leader. Very easy to turn into...
  12. D

    Post Your Game

    I just got done with a game... it was my second win on noble! Yeah, yeah, even with better AI that's nothing to brag about... but I'm still doing better than I was a month ago. I forgot to take screenshots for most of the game... in fact, I only have two. Okay, in this game... It was a...
  13. D

    Resources that should be in - but aren't!

    I'd be delighted if apples were in the game as a food resource. Honey-producing beehive luxury resources would also be a nice bonus, as well. Ah, let's see... how about natural gas deposits? Such a resource could serve as a somewhat cleaner/safer late-game alternative to coal/nuclear power if...
  14. D

    Worst Enemy

    Good ol' monty can be a pain, especially if he's right next to you. But, he has the advantage of serving as a VERY useful attack dog, if he's far away and you have good relations. Heck, in my most recent game (small pangaea, 5 civs, marathon), I semi-intentionally used Monty to keep the Mongol...
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