Recent content by Darkhosis

  1. D

    help on diety level

    I never build granaries or rush production under despotism, it's far too easy to get to Monarchy and buy it with gold. [/b] Yes, expansion is the key of the early game... but I disagree that you need most of your cities producing granaries or spearman. You need one or two highly productive...
  2. D

    help on diety level

    Simple, you don't buy the latest techs. You wait until they're 2 or 3 or 4 techs past the one you want to buy (usually does not take long in a diety game), and then you buy it for 200 gold. You never buy one of the latest techs, there's really no reason to do so. If you're intent on building...
  3. D

    help on diety level

    5 cities wouldn't even be close for a standard size map. My territory is generally about the same or a slight bit more as the average computer on tiny and small maps, and maybe a slight bit less on a normal size map. This is where I'm thinking that the military strategy that so many people...
  4. D

    help on diety level

    I don't get it, why must one play a military strategy to win on Diety level? Is this just for the "Huge" and "Large" maps? I've won deity multiple times on Tiny, Small, and Medium maps and never once have I had to declare war. The best way to win the Emperor & Diety difficulty levels is by...
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