Recent content by darkpanda

  1. darkpanda

    JCivED - a toolbox for Civilization

    I am looking at it, and not going to be easy at first glance... Rendering squares is a big routine, with chunks of code doing each part (terrain, improvements, rivers, coasts, special resources, ...), and switching parts or switching the order in which parts are processed in assembly, with...
  2. darkpanda

    JCivED - a toolbox for Civilization

    Well in fact that was the risk I think that could happen... Just saving as "PIC" could write the file in a different way than a PAL file is structured (although PIC files also contain PAL-structured palettes...), hence the crash... So, better to "export as PAL" then :)
  3. darkpanda

    JCivED - a toolbox for Civilization

    It could also work by just using "Save as PIC image" (=save as normal), but just make sure to keep the name "SP256.PAL"... I just changed some colors in SP256.PAL, saved it with PIC save, then re-opened in JCivEd and it had properly saved the changed colors...
  4. darkpanda

    JCivED - a toolbox for Civilization

    Just WOW, this is crazy work !!! I really like how the SNES style pops out visually :) I'm thinking there could be a way to work out your modification more easily, but I have to investigate... Regarding rendering order of irrigation: I think something is feasible, but I remember it's quite...
  5. darkpanda

    JCivED - a toolbox for Civilization

    Ok, went back at it and I think I got something: the palette file used for rendering the map squares is actually SP256.PAL. I modified the palette in TER257.PIC, just like you did, but it didn't give anything in game: Then I saved the TER257.PIC palette as a standalone PAL palette file, as...
  6. darkpanda

    JCivED - a toolbox for Civilization

    Yeah, graphics in CivDOS are quite hacky... Even though some PIC files contain their own palette (same data as in PAL files), Civ will *still* sometimes load palette from a PAL file, then load PIC data from the PIC file, disregarding palette data... It's also possible that JCivEd doesn't save...
  7. darkpanda

    JCivED - a toolbox for Civilization

    The result looks promising ! Fun to see the 16-bit crisp SNES art in the regular DOS game 🙂
  8. darkpanda

    JCivED - a toolbox for Civilization

    Glad you could figure it out :) PIC editing hasn't much changed for years, so it's still pretty raw and obtuse, sorry for that !
  9. darkpanda

    Pollution bug <- NAILED

    Not sure if it was mentioned before, but in CIV .05 it seems that the "PLASTICS" condition was removed... Need to double-check that. Scratch that, double-checked and it's still in .05 actually.
  10. darkpanda

    Open source rewrite of the original Civilization game (1991) - OpenCiv1 Project

    Wow, you just taught me something, now I have a bunch of static lib functions auto-recognized as well, thanks a lot ! By the way, if you want to achieve the exact same "City View" look as in the game, you will need to use the original random routine, since it relies heavily on it. In...
  11. darkpanda

    Open source rewrite of the original Civilization game (1991) - OpenCiv1 Project

    Yes I noticed something similar in .01, although some are acutally double-mapped (first calling another nearby function before the far call). By the way I saw your overlay listing, and can complete your missing descriptions if not already done: - Overlay 3: Hall of fame (FAME.DTA) - Overlay...
  12. darkpanda

    Open source rewrite of the original Civilization game (1991) - OpenCiv1 Project

    The original random routine is part of MSC libs ? Did you identify other functions in CIV.EXE which are statically libs from MSC ? This could save me some time :) No rush swapping the old RNG back, I'm not in a position to do parallel testing so far.
  13. darkpanda

    Open source rewrite of the original Civilization game (1991) - OpenCiv1 Project

    I'm playing around with the Wiki at Sourceforge, which seems to accept HTML pretty well ! I just "ported" the SVE reference data tables from the CivFanatics forums to the JCivEd wiki, for what it's worth: I'll probably be...
  14. darkpanda

    Open source rewrite of the original Civilization game (1991) - OpenCiv1 Project

    The main entry for SVE reference is in the forums: If you are using text files from JCivEd, they do not necessarily match data types from the original CIV. As a matter of fact, I didn't care too much about...
  15. darkpanda

    Open source rewrite of the original Civilization game (1991) - OpenCiv1 Project

    Well for starters I dropped raw listings of Segments and Functions from my IDA project, for Civ 474.01, you can see them here: - Segments: EN 474.01 RE segments/ - Functions: EN 474.01 RE functions/...
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