Recent content by DoorMan

  1. D

    My City becomes rune?

    IIRC during this scenario you are visited by the 4 horsemen of the apocalypse, War, Famine, Disease and Death. Each horseman attacks the player who is losing the religous war. To prevent the attack you need to spread your religion to more cities than the opposition, and get the 'Indian guy' to...
  2. D

    ALC Game 16: Persia/Cyrus

    I recently played a shadow game with Cyrus and got a total of 13 GGs. The 1st was used as a medic, 3 were attached to the HE city as MIs, one built an academy in the IW city, the rest were attached to obsolete units as warlords. Preferably to a leftover warrior/spearman/axeman, who then gets...
  3. D

    Wondering about wonders

    I think this problem is due to the fact that you already building it. You need to go to the city screen, where you started the build, and move it to the top of the queue.
  4. D

    The "Ohter" Economy

    One trick you can use to obtain cash from hammers is to build a wonder and not complete it. This also works best for an Industrious civ.
  5. D

    My worst start position ever.

    If this is a true screenshot, you have just started and are researching BW, therefore you cannot see copper or iron yet. As you haven't researched animal husbandry, you cannot see horses. Keep playing, this city has plenty of forests to chop when you get BW, and a couple of huts to pop...
  6. D

    Future ALCs: Warlords?

    I voted for you to stick with vanilla and complete the ALC. If you switch to Warlords you are basically half completing your task and starting a new one, which you won't complete before Civ V appears. I am still playing vanilla and don't want to switch until I feel I have played it out. On...
  7. D

    City Ruins

    I have had a city razed by barbarians. When I rebuilt the city over the ruins I got the culture that the city had before being razed.
  8. D

    Fast cultural wins?

    There is a very good article in the strategy articles sub-forum by walkerjks (if I remember the name correctly). Basically you need 2 or 3 city sites that can be 'cottaged' and a GP farm. Sometimes the GP farm can be one of the culture cities. You also need to fit in a number of other...
  9. D

    GOTM 08 - final spoiler (free-for-all)

    A 1972 Diplomatic victory. It started so well, I managed to gain control of the island reasonably quickly as Washington had no metals. I planned to go after Togu next as we had already had a short war, but Catherine declared war on me first. I managed to take a couple of cities before WW set...
  10. D

    GOTM 08 - final spoiler (free-for-all)

    A 1972 Diplomatic victory. It started so well, I managed to gain control of the island reasonably quickly as Washington had no metals. I planned to go after Togu next as we had already had a short war, but Catherine declared war on me first. I managed to take a couple of cities before WW set...
  11. D

    A Guide to City Specialization and Land Improvements

    Excl - Great article. I agree with Dave McW, it is not always necessary to run at 10% (or more) gold. I like to run at 100% science when possible. I generate my income by selling techs and resources to the AI, so banks and Wall Street are not priorities. Qitai - A Whipping city, I like...
  12. D

    There has got to be a way to stop this...

    It would be nice to have an option to be informed when a city has grown, so I can go and assign them to their rightful task. I particularly do not like the AI assigning specialists in my GP farm as it decreases the chances of getting the 'right' type of GP.
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