Recent content by drakonius

  1. D

    What would you like to see in a mod or scenario?

    i thinking of doing S.M. Stirlings Peshawar Lancers next year. i have all of the nessicary unts. i just need to read the book again and get a new world atlas. i am also thinking of an urban warfare game.
  2. D

    I'm ready to uninstall!!!!

    I have modded my games so that each nation stars out with one million gold and a modest military force.I always start in 1910 starts with 25 workers,25 settlers,25 musketmen and 25 cannon.Russia,China,India,the USA and the CSA start with 100 workers and 100 settlers each.France and...
  3. D

    Tell\show you greatest battles

    WOW!that's is always any extra pleasure to beat an ememy with superior forces,especially technologically superior forces.
  4. D

    Is it possible?

    CIV3 is more fun and from my experience more flexible than CIV4.CIV4 does of course have many excellent features of its own.perhaps I will like it more when i get its latest updates. But mo matter what CIV3 will remain my tried and true favorite.
  5. D

    Units tht you wuold like to see.

    true. at heart i am nuts and bolts kind of guy-panzers and stuff. i however like to occasionally kill the odd monster or two. you are right that reality is the meat of Civ. some history teachers even use Civ in their curriculum to get their students to love history. correct.oliphants. if you are...
  6. D

    Let's hear from the Ladies!<ROARS DRAKONIUS>

    true.being indexed does sound rather cold and clinical-however useful and efficient being indexed may be. perhaps the thread should be deleted .it does seem to have no useful purpose. i won't be posting again anytime soon.i seem to have run out of useful things to say and i don't want to haunt...
  7. D

    What would you like to see in a mod or scenario?

    my project is mostly done.i just have to add a few aircraft to the main mod and i need to change or remove some units,etc. i am disappointed that one cannot have planets with water and normal navies when you design an outer space game. i am experimenting with making ring-shaped planets with...
  8. D

    "Legitimate" pretext for war?

    the AI does not understand gratitude. i have been kind and neighborly to any number of civs during my gaming days.most of them will betray you and try to do you in. usually for no reason that a human mind could probably understand-except perhaps pure stupidity or pure...
  9. D

    Let's hear from the Ladies!<ROARS DRAKONIUS>

    good question. perhaps its just my categorizing/pidgeonholeing nature. i think that it would be cool to have a specific sort of index of their stuff. i tend to index and categorize everything-I wanted to be an archivist or a librarian when I was's just my nature to want to reference...
  10. D

    AI can apparently...

    the AI cheats like hell and hits one up with all kinds of inexplicable crap.I guess that one just has to accept it and pay it no mind.
  11. D

    Units tht you wuold like to see.

    I am rather of the Edgar Rice Burruoghs,H.G Wells,Jules Verne and Robert Louis Stevenson vein. I would like to see Tarzan and John Carter of Mars. And it would be cool to see some Barsoomians,Klingons,Planet of the Apes apes,Permian and Triassic beasts(some of them were really wicked such as the...
  12. D

    Let's hear from the Ladies!<ROARS DRAKONIUS>

    DARSKI WHERE ARE YOU? I am beginning to feel like those German guys at Normandy who were screaming"WHERE ARE THE PANZERS"?
  13. D

    Tell\show you greatest battles

    unfortunately it is not everyday that one can prove one's prowess and valor in battle against a worthy foe.alas<sigh> or in other words there's nothing like a good knife fight to make your day!
  14. D

    Agressive or Defensive War?Wars of Atrition and Wars of Extermination.

    I basically concentrate on building a moderate sized nation or empire and then defending my borders.wars will of course cause it to grow fortuitously,but i try to limit my growth to something manageable.i also limit my exspansion to a definite sphere of influence-i hate to have far flung...
  15. D

    Let's hear from the Ladies!<ROARS DRAKONIUS>

    yeah well.its not as if there are female strategy gamers falling out of the sky.actully there are not many strategy gamers at all.someone will reply...someday...
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