Recent content by DrLime

  1. D

    Whats the biggest city you ever had?

    34, also, with Peter. Every tile was farmed, except a hill with marble in it (plus a lot of food bonuses, 1 weat, 1 rice and some pigs). Angor Wat+ton of priests= ;)
  2. D

    Modern/Kingdom of Italy

    Walmart actually does funnel a huge portion of it's profits back to the consumer in form of it's stocks that allow them to lower prices. I agree that too many CEOs pull too much money away from their companies for their own use, but that's part of the nature of business, it's always happened...
  3. D

    Modern/Kingdom of Italy

    It's funny, because if business isn't profitable in the country then what becomes important becomes simple necessities like obtaining food and water- because without income from businesses the government can't function (no tax income), citizens cannot provide for themselves (no jobs) and the...
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    Modern/Kingdom of Italy

    Because even through now Italy isn't in anyway a world cultural/military/scientific power and is quite possibly the worst choice for a new civ addition.
  5. D

    Modern/Kingdom of Italy

    Um, other than rejuvenating the US economy from all of Carter's mismanagement and making business in the US profitable again... Yeah, Reagan was Satan. Or maybe you just don't understand supply side economics. I'm guessing your ability of comprehension is pretty horsehockey, you know, since you're...
  6. D

    Financial & Philosophical, what?!!!

    I find Liz to be a solid leader even on maps without a lot of water- if you micromanage your cities properly. I always make sure that my GP capital is surrounded by farms, and just by sheer probability there's always a few hills or tiles with decent hammer production so if you focus entirely on...
  7. D

    MY Add a Civ Tutorial

    I'm working on a WWII mod and I'm having some problems with adding in Hitler's civ. 1) I can't get the flag to display. I've checked the path, made sure the bitmap has the proper DXT3 save, etc. It still shows up as solid white. 2) Whenever it displays Hitler's name it addes extra text...
  8. D

    Defeating a tank with a spearman *is* realistic...

    To say that it's totally unrealistic is untrue, but to the extent it happened in CivIII was ridiculous. But historically speaking, it happened to the Italians in Ethiopia during WWII. Tanks can break down, and despite being armed people using inferior weapons can overcome with good strategy...
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