Recent content by dualmaster

  1. D

    The Case Against Hyuana Cupac

    You can upload up to 1080p on Youtube. It is mostly a question of whether you have the hard drive space to record at a higher quality (and the bandwidth to upload large files in a reasonable time).
  2. D

    Let's Play Immortal! #02: Louis XIV

    Oops......1110 AD Diplo victory: Somehow Alex manged to bribe Monty in on me the next turn. Not sure how that happened as Alex was behind on tech. Monty never brought much against me and a few turns later Mansa declared on Monty :lol:. Alex only had 3 cities and no longbows so it...
  3. D

    Let's Play Immortal! #02: Louis XIV

    To 1AD: Then worked on the Oracle: After that I self teched through HBR and Currency while whipping phants and pults. I managed to trade math for Alpha and then backfilled missing techs (BW, IW, pottery, fishing, etc). I should have built a third worker earlier because I didn't...
  4. D

    The Emperor Series #04 is now Let's Play Immortal #01: Ragnar

    Build the Great Lighthouse. On archipelago maps this wonder makes games play more like emperor.
  5. D

    The Emperor Series #03: Asoka

    To Liberalism: That's the Hanging Gardens in 660 AD! Took MilTrad from Liberalism and have a solid tech lead: Land: 12 cities, 2 turns from Gunpowder. All my infrastructure is in to whip cuir/cav. Only one AI even has engineering right now. I don't think I'll bother...
  6. D

    The Emperor Series #03: Asoka

    To 1AD: I have 8 cities (one was a barb city I took down with chariots). In a few more turns I'll have the other barb city and then I'll focus on settling out the remaining land. I expect to get 12-15 cities without a war. Tech: Tech is looking very good. I have currency (monopoly)...
  7. D

    Nobles' Club LXIX: Bismark of Germany

    Immortal/Normal To 1 AD: [/SPOILER] To Liberalism: [/SPOILER] To 1832 Domination: After finishing HC, I switched to State Property, spammed workshops, and then spammed military units. JC was actually teching pretty strong. I went to flight+AL+arty before taking him down. First time...
  8. D

    The Emperor Series #02: Washington

    To Liberalism: Built the Taj for a free golden age. Land and Tech: Civic switch and turning off research in favor of the culture slider: [/SPOILER] To 1755AD Culture: [/SPOILER]
  9. D

    The Emperor Series #02: Washington

    To 1AD: We only have 1 lousy :) resource. At least we're Charismatic. After worker techs, I went to Alphabet and was able to back trade for IW, religious techs, and most importantly Monarchy. I specifically avoided hunting, so I am currently spamming warriors for a big boost to my happy...
  10. D

    The Emperor Series #02: Washington

    Loaded up the save and peaking at the fog to the east, there is definitely water east of the plains hill. Can't tell if it is ocean or lake. Maybe look for seafood?
  11. D

    Immortal Challenge

    I had read a few spoilers before deciding to play, which probably made things easy for me: To 1800AD:
  12. D

    Nobles' Club LXIX: Bismark of Germany

    Note: for easy mode, build the Great Lighthouse.
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