Recent content by EagleFixer

  1. E

    Flexible City Planner by Eklabiaan

    Looks really good.
  2. E

    Who uses The BUG? Time to be known!

    I got bit by the Bug and love it.
  3. E

    Bug Reporting

    I tried all three options and had the same effect every time. I did notice the Exit button had an XML error when hovering over it. Fortunately I always keep a clean copy of my docs as a backup and was able to restore it on each try. BTW before attempt number four I redownloaded the 2.30 from...
  4. E

    Bug Reporting

    Just downloaded and installed. Looks great and everything comes up just fine. However after going into the options (CTRL + ALT + O) changes I make are not saved or updated. I change them exit and open the options and they return to the defaults. Also same thing if I change them, save the game...
  5. E

    CivScale: Graphics Scaling Tool

    I can not get mines, fishing boats, and other improvements to change scale in BtS (have not tried vanilla or Warlords). Up or down on the improvements scale does not change their size. Improvements is modifying the size of resources such as cattle pigs iron etc... Bonuses does not change the...
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