First off, why would people who are not interested in buying a particular game post on that games forum? Tired of Civ? Ok. So what the hell are you doing here?
I have Total War Medieval (and the Japan one but not Rome). They are both awesome. I love the battles in the Total War series, and...
I don't mean to disarm by occupation. Disarming your enemy is a totally different idea from occupation. It would be part of the armitice agreement after a war.
You do make a good point, that military occupation usually comes with government change by the occupying force. And that actually...
I picked the second option. I think its a bummer that the Turks/Ottomans won't be included, but I wont' tear my hair out.
Who would they take out in their place? What civs are least deserving to be in the game historically?
Obviously they can't (nor should they) take out the Germans. Even...
Exactly. It's a way of keeping agresive civs at bay for at least a few turns after you've beaten them. Again, this would be something that would be cancelled after a few turns.
And a civ might agree to it in order to keep you from completely wiping it out. Such a thing can be easier said...
Well I think allies will be able to travel through each other's land. I'm speaking more of an occupation, the US in Japan after WWII for example. Or the Soviet Union and the eastern block countries.
I just hate whooping up on a civ, declaring peace and then all my units have to leave their territory. There should be someway that I could maintain a presence within their borders for a while, both to keep an eye on them and to be in a position to levy a counterattack if they start up again. My...
I always thought sort of a one way "Right of Passage" would be a good idea wherein you could enter a foreign civ's territory but they can't enter yours. It would be used on those pesky civs who you keep beating up on but they keep coming back at you and declaring war. You don't want to use the...
I'd do kind of the same thing. Except instead of "drinks" they's be shots and instead of "discussing in depth about the potential features of Civ 4, explaining my complaints and compliments of the game as it now stands" I'd be a sloppy drunk guy supplying him with icreasingly preposterous...
I like it. It would seem like the only way to combat foreign missionaries. And a consequence is that it would worsen your relations against any civs of the religion you choose to persecute.
Yeah, I did see that and that will be awesome. I can't imagine why they didnt think of that for civ III. I eralize the whole trade set up was new for civ III but c'mon, it's nice to know what other civs could use.
It would also be nice to see what technologies other civs have without having...
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