Recent content by EricJames

  1. E

    Point of Lumbermills?

    If you reach enviromentalism within your game, there's no reason any of your citys should be unhappy, unless you completely neglected improvements.
  2. E

    Great Merchant Question

    On a huge world map setting, a cross-the-globe trade mission net me 4.5k gold. Pretty good, eh?
  3. E

    Strange picures of CIV in german online-review

    Yep, if you look at the 2nd or 3rd shot of diplomacy, you'll see the aztec and Peter's graphics aren't completed yet.
  4. E

    Performance is terrible, I am frustrated!

    Don't complain and actually take that time to run around the block. If nothing else, you'll be more physically fit AND you'll feel like your earned the right to play the game. :D
  5. E

    WoundedKnight's CIV Strategy Guide

    I agree that aggressive and the others are very useful, but financial is the #1 train in importance for me. Industrious is nice for the wonders and forges, but with financial, in a good situation, you can actually buy wonders and forges. Spiritual, in my eyes, is the worst trait period...
  6. E

    For a newb, what are some important keys to city placement?

    I disagree, I like placing my cities by forests, but I usually just cut them down, especially if I'm near a river. Lumbermills come in to play too late in the game (towards the middle) and saving forests takes patience. Personally, just cut them down and speed production. Hell, usually I have...
  7. E

    Culture Bomb can cause war?

    Yep, your relation went down to border tensions, and it was one too many, so they declared war.
  8. E

    What style map do you prefer?

    Standard Map (anything larger lags my computer later in the game). 6 - 8 civilizations, inland sea Makes a great game because while you can use the sea, you can monopolize movement across land with closed border, which adds a new sort of map-specific strategy.
  9. E

    Religion is extremely outbalancing the game

    In a player vs. player or later difficulty levels ( the last 3) it's impossible to monopolize religion. There are more than one civilizations that start with philosophy and to even attempt to monopolize them you need to start with philosophy. That being said, you can't horde both buddhism and...
  10. E

    Workers - Auto Improvement

    I don't stick my workers on auto because I don't like what they end up improving. Personally, I stick 1 worker per city as well as 1-2 on auto-connecting resources / cities.
  11. E

    Very complex game for beginners?

    I played the tutorial for the hell of it, and I personally think beginners won't have much problem at all getting started. At settler difficult they'll implement the basics and after winning and moving up a difficult, could easily develop strategies. There are not TOO many concepts to learn.
  12. E

    Building City on Resource

    If it's a strategic resource you will recieve benefit from it. Otherwise if it provides happiness/healthiness/bonus resources for the tile, you won't recieve those benefits.
  13. E

    First to 3 cities (and maybe a religion) strategy

    I'm not arguing that it's not a good idea, but waiting the few turns it may take for your city to grow might result in the same production time of the worker. Which means you'll have your worker, an extra size on your city, and production started on either a wonder, warrior, or granary.
  14. E

    Question about unit strength

    The xx/xx is your current unit's strength. What it means is that your unit has been damaged from another battle. You can click the "sit till fully healed" option or just fortify them till they get their strength back. I don't know about them reading 0.0 though. That's dead. Also a good tip...
  15. E

    First to 3 cities (and maybe a religion) strategy

    To me, this strategy won't work. I don't see why you're building a worker STRAIGHT off. Depending on your current location, you can double your production simply by waiting the 5 or 6 turns it'll take for your city to expand. With the extra 2-3 hammers you'll pull in, the worker might come...
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