Recent content by EvanCiv

  1. E

    *NEW*GRAPHIC: Population with larger (15x15) Smiley Mood Badges

    I use Paintshop Pro and do a Save As.
  2. E

    Questions on Tanks

    4. Terrain is key. No matter what unit I am moving I try to avoid, if at all possible, ending a move on grassland. A veteran tank on a hill has only a 1 in 6 chance of losing when attacked by a veteran calvary. It drops to 1 in 8 if it is fortified, 1 in 10 unfortified on a mountain, and 1 in 14...
  3. E

    Questions on Tanks

    But why not lost completel? Damage but not to the point of loss? What if the tank is already damaged? Well, this is also one of the things that make it a game. I think they purposely don't ever mention a specific (or even general) number of individuals each units represent - whatever they...
  4. E

    Questions on Tanks

    I looked at the turret and thought it was a Renault. But in looking at it more closely, it looks more like a Renault turret on a Sherman body.
  5. E

    Questions on Tanks

    You are right. Actually, as I was driving in my car after I posted this, I was thinking about this and realized I should have said 'cylindrical' since pretty much all tank turrets are round to some degree. I forgot about it and never changed it though.
  6. E

    Questions on Tanks

    So tanks can be damaged but never lost? Accidents, friendly fire, catastrophic mechanical failure, weather etc. are myths and units are never lost to these kinds of things in the real world? Again, combat does not take place by having two units meet and having someone say, "Go.". Combat is a...
  7. E

    Questions on Tanks

    No, your point was tanks shouldn't be lost when attacking technically inferior units (or only very, very rarely). I was pointing out that regardless of how much you outclass your opponent (and the US outclass them more in resources available rather than huge technical advantage) you have to...
  8. E

    Questions on Tanks

    Yep. And what happened (and this is from memory so I may have some details wrong) is that the commanders saw the Turks pulling off a foward position and trying to bring their artillery with them. They wanted the Light Brigade to stop them. They sent a message telling them to get the guns...
  9. E

    Questions on Tanks

    Germany's special unit being the exception - look at the graphic they used. Round turrets are charactistic of WWI era tanks. Only Japan used round turrets in WWII (with a couple of minor exceptions). More like realistic. Look at the Gulf War. Depending on which source you want to believe...
  10. E

    Questions on Tanks

    Well, actually, I don't have a problem with it. People seem to have an unrealistic view of these WWI era tanks. They were notoriously unreliable and a good size percentage were always lost to accidents and breakdowns. For some reason, people don't have a problem with say, an archer having...
  11. E

    Poll: December, 2001 - what civ are you playing most this month?

    I agree about industrious - when I play a non-industrious civ those workers just seem so slow in comparison. I do use the chariots when playing Egyptians though. In fact, the first thing I usually research is the wheel. Then I don't bother researching horseback riding at all (or at least as...
  12. E

    Questions on Tanks

    And a regular tank attacking a regular calvary on grassland has a 96.2% chance of winning.
  13. E

    Feral workers?

    Well, you are entitled to your opinion, but I think "mistake" and "always" are too strong of characterizations. I usually play an industrious civ and generally have lots and lots of fast workers (especially once some grassland-rich cities reach 12 and hospitals are a long way off). The...
  14. E

    Poll: December, 2001 - what civ are you playing most this month?

    I am really surprised at how spread out it is. With the way people talk about how well the 'Pope Broker' strategy works, I really expected the Babylonians to have more.
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