Recent content by fuzzynutz

  1. F

    In my emperor level game ai is still dead

    WRONG!!! The top two difficulties aren't "difficult" at all, as a matter of fact they are quite easy and require little brain power to beat. However, you likely won't beat Diety doing the same things you are doing in Emp (unless you are ICS/Rushing already, if so, why?) as you can't build...
  2. F

    Is America's UA as weak as it sounds?

    I have enjoyed the benefits of this for blocking off portions of the continent earlier than would be possible normally (I dont play ICS/REX). You can purchase premium tiles when you are near the AI if you prefer not to just take every city through War. Not a bad Civ, it has a flavor to it...
  3. F

    The most enjoyable game I've had so far: A booming strategy

    Interesting, you are tired of knocking heads, yet you play the simplest, most mind-numbingly tedious strategy? If thats what you enjoy, that is fine, but nothing in this post sounds different from most other ICS games I read about. I mean, growth/economy ICS isn't some neat idea you came up...
  4. F

    Emperor/Immortal is more difficult than Diety

    My experience has been that Deity is beatable by using a couple of strategies, otherwise you lose. This makes Deity simply a "Walkthrough" difficulty with very little deviation in how your games play out, making it extremely easy to beat. I find the other difficulty levels below it allow me to...
  5. F

    Emperor/Immortal is more difficult than Diety

    This is relatively speaking, considering the nature of the AI at the moment. From what I have seen it is much easier to get yourself going at the start of the game (the most important turns) when you are playing on Diety/Immortal for a number of reasons: AI has more resources to give you...
  6. F

    What to do with Mehmed?

    Vassalage usually gets replaced by Bureaucracy .
  7. F

    CE past Prince

    This is actually really good thanks for sharing.
  8. F

    how many farms do you need?

    Each pop point needs 2 food to support it.
  9. F

    Is this good: Beggining Killing Spree?

  10. F

    Stupid game

    Don't let the Dianafication of the world keep you from ridiculing those whom you deem worthy.
  11. F

    I just got axe rushed by the AI! ( & other oddities )

    Since I learned how important the power rating was I usually have a large army waiting for anyone trying to attack me, so I assume they aren't stupid enough to try that early.
  12. F

    Having Trouble with Everything

    You should try to get at least 6-8 cities in the expansion phase of the game, if you can't then try to take those cities from another civilization (preferably not Sitting Bull).
  13. F

    Questions about my newb strategy!

    I know for sure everyone will say don't automate workers.
  14. F

    How many axemen for a rush on Immortal?

    Thats a bit too gamey for me.
  15. F

    The power of Zara Yaqob...

    I got my first win ever in Civ IV with him. It was on Prince. Edit: Nevermind I got him confused with Shaka (the one with the Impis)
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