Recent content by Goraxes

  1. Goraxes

    [R&F] [Request] What you see is what you get. Disable Building Settlers

    Hey everyone. Been awhile since I have played or Modded the Game. How would I remove the ability to Build Settlers? I want to make it so each player in my Game starts with 3 (done already) and then that's it. Alternately, Is it possible to make Settlers have the ability to add population to...
  2. Goraxes

    How to launch the ingame worldbuilder

    This is Amazing, I will be doing this soon! I am wanting to use this to create an RPG Map. Is there a way to export the Maps in picture format? I would love one that is all Fog of War, one that is all open with no fog of war, and one with Resources shown. Can anyone think of a way to do it...
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