Recent content by Haldar

  1. H

    Quick Questions / Quick Answers

    Hey, are you enabling your mods, or trying to play straight from main menu? if i remember correctly, this UI being all messed up happens if you have VP installed, but try to start a game from main menu. You either need to choos mods, enable all the mods, click next, and set up your game from...
  2. H

    3rd and 4th Unique Components for VP - Official thread

    few of components got broken with recent changes to tables in 4.17 onwards. The VP team right now is working on integrating 4UC into main VP, so soon this mod will not be needed to play 4UC. For now though, Jarcast has shared his folder where he made edits to adjust to newer VP versions, I've...
  3. H

    Quick Questions / Quick Answers

    4UC is a mod that adds 3rd and 4th Unique Components to all civs. you can find it on this forum, in Mods Repository. Base game has 2 UCs for each Civ, for Huns in VP it's Horse Archer, and Eki. I honestly don't know where the Hawk Rider comes from, only thing i found on google is that it's a...
  4. H

    Is barbarians OP?

    In my games, most often i have seen barbs capturing AI cities are cases, when it's Tradition Civ, settling bunch of cities, in not really good positions, far from capital (I had Austria in 3 games recently, and in each of them they've lost at least one city to barbs at some point). I guess...
  5. H

    New BETA Version – 4.18.4 (January 21, 2025)

    You get modifiers, e.g. I think one of policies in Progress gives you a bonus to production when building buildings. So that's why you might get 13 for buildings, 9 for units
  6. H

    Vox Populi Congress Proposal Workshop

    Hm, the sanction blocks all Trade Routes/deals, except with vassals, right? Maybe add a possibility of deals/routes with civs you have DoF with? if you get sanctioned, it's likely that most of the civs hate you, and still would limit 90% or all of you trade, but if you managed to keep some...
  7. H

    New BETA Version – 4.18.4 (January 21, 2025)

    Question about reporting to GitHub - I have received 3 error boxes right after i clicked launch game; i have only screenshotted one, but clicking OK through all 3 of them launched the game. If I make report, should i attach the Turn 0 save? It did not give me CTD, so is there point in attaching...
  8. H

    New BETA Version - 4.17.8 (December 16, 2024)

    I've played out 2 full games on 4.17.x, and in middle of one on 4.17.8; works fine, on earlier 4.17.x versions I was getting some CTDs, but these got fixed with each hotfix, in game on .8 I haven't had any CTDs yet.Though I think the reorganization/changes to tables etc. has made bunch of mods...
  9. H

    New BETA Version - 4.17.8 (December 16, 2024)

    Not sure if it's a "bug" with this version only, or something i haven't had a chance to reach - when I accepted a Peace deal during AI's turn, offering me capitulation, and this effectively gave me last capital for a domination win, accepting the deal caused the game to get "stuck" on the leader...
  10. H

    New BETA Version - 4.17.8 (December 16, 2024)

    Getting CTD when accepting/sending trade deal; reported on Github, only using some UI/visual mods. On a side note, with 4.17 seems like Improved City View mod is not working
  11. H

    Promotion Overhaul for VP

    Thanks for the update! I think the promotion was added to Songhai when congress removed the rivers part from their unique, and gave river city connections to all civs.
  12. H

    Promotion Overhaul for VP

    Just started game with Songhai, and their War Canoe promotion has (unused) before, and it's dark grey, a bit hard to read.
  13. H

    Invisible cities?

    In some of my recent games I had issues (playing with 4UC), that when building unique buildings (I guess those added by 4UC), the cities disappear, but saving/loading after it finished building fixed it. Exception being Nalanda, which makes city disappear permanently
  14. H

    New BETA Version - 4.13.1 (July 13, 2024)

    It's not incorporated right now; it's been voted on, community decided that they want it integrated, but it has not happened yet; right now there are proposal going on in Congress section regarding what should be 3+4 component for each civ
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