Recent content by Harold I

  1. H

    Things I Learned About The World Through CivV

    Yes, I'm saying its funny that when you take another civilisation's city it no longer looks as it did whilst under its previous ruler i.e all the skyscrapers in New York suddenly changing into Asian style, or the sacking of Rome turned it into a little German village :) Edit: On that note, I...
  2. H

    Things I Learned About The World Through CivV

    352. When China invaded New York, its citizens were so impressed with Chinese culture that all the remaining buildings were instantly converted into Asian style architecture.
  3. H

    Quick Questions and Answers

    Thank you!
  4. H

    Quick Questions and Answers

    In my current game I have signed a defensive pact with Ceasar and Alexander. If Alexander suddenly declared war on Ceasar, would that drag me into a war with both nations who I swore to defend? Or just against Alexander since he was the first to attack?
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