Recent content by iguana1

  1. I

    Things You Used To Do (and are embarrassed by)

    probably the biggest one in civ 3 was playing to always maximize long term city growth. I have almost always played a more peaceful/perfectionist type of game. As such, I always wanted 20 tiles available for eventual expansion. It took a while to realize how much space I was wasting until very...
  2. I

    Things You Used To Do (and are embarrassed by)

    My favorite one of these if from back in the day playing civ 1 - pretty much as soon as you discovered the tech to build temples, your advisers would start telling you to build temples to keep the people happy. Then shortly after that, when I had ignored them, my cities would start to riot. Not...
  3. I

    Does anyone else cheat?

    Long time lurker, only occasional poster... That middle paragraph is why I have long avoided most strategy forums for civ 3. I posted a lot on Apolyton back in day playing civ 2, helping do a lot of research on different parts of the game, writing some software that would read save files and...
  4. I

    Thin Floating/Improved Territory Borders

    :blackdot: Had these before, needed to find them again to put on new pc... Saving my spot for when I get home instead f on the iPad. Thanks again for the effort on these.
  5. I

    Long time lurker finally registered.

    The only mod I use is a border graphic enhancement - huge fan of the triangle border thing someone made. However, in the past I have tinkered with the settings to try to create games with a really long ancient era (I.e. tiny map with huge map science settings, etc.). As for mouse movement, I...
  6. I

    Starting queue?

    I play the game in "story mode". By this, I mean that I mentally recode the story of my civ as the game goes on. I generally only play huge maps Witt he max number of civs and the course of the game is usually dictated by the map/proximity of other civs. I usually try to play "peacefully" and...
  7. I

    which is your favorite era?

    This. However, being more of a "builder", the industrial age iss fun too.
  8. I

    I read this and immediately thought of...

    civ in general and the F11 screen as well as the lists of the world in particular:
  9. I

    Can you instigate the AI into declaring war?

    There are several tactics you can use to try to get the AI to declare war on you. As stated, making ridiculous demands will destroy their mood toward you and the more irratated they are, the more likely to declare war when you tell them to leave or else. Even just repeatedly telling them to...
  10. I

    Palace Expansion

    I've never researched it or questioned it in civ3 but in civ 1 and civ 2 it was directly related to score. The more points you got the more of the palace (civ 1 and 3) or throne room (civ 2) you got to build. It seems more spread out/less regular to get palace improvements but I have just...
  11. I

    Which Civilization do you always use?

    I'm not hatin... all I have is vanilla.
  12. I


    Most of mine usually end on a UN vote, win or lose. It's kind of anti-climatic but if I make it to the end game, then I usually welcome some kind of finish at that point. I really prefer the early to mid game and really play more for the "story" than a "win at all costs" kind of game.
  13. I

    He shoots.... He scores!!!!

    I'd prefer to win than lose but it's much more about the game play. I play it almost like a RPG. Each game is the shaping of my nation. I rarely declare war without "reason" (ok, some of the reasons are flimsy excuses but history is riddled with real world examples). Some of my favorite games...
  14. I

    Stuck with my saltpetre disappearing just when I need it

    Someday I have to learn this trick. That's exactly the point I was trying to make but it took me quite a few more words to express it! :lol:
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