Recent content by Jaey

  1. Jaey

    Please Help - Missing Plantation .fxsxml and .gr2s

    I've spent hours in Dragon UnPACKer 5 poring over the .fpk files trying to find Plantation_MID_Dye.fxsxml and its corresponding .gr2 file. It seems I've encountered every other improvement in the game except for this one. The Civ5 Improvement ArtDefines .xml file seems to provide a clue in...
  2. Jaey

    City State Allies Out of Nowhere

    Has anyone ever played a game and out of nowhere a city state you haven't met is suddenly your ally? I'm happy to post details but I wanted to see if this is top of mind for anyone. What could cause that sort of thing to happen? I've attached the .xml of the City State I made (it's Idaho).
  3. Jaey

    Help Please! Runtime Error with Specific Mod: City State Creation

    You're right. But I fixed it! Hooray!
  4. Jaey

    Help Please! Runtime Error with Specific Mod: City State Creation

    Alright now something's gone wrong where any game I try to load with any modded content results in the above error. Please send help :(
  5. Jaey

    Help Please! Runtime Error with Specific Mod: City State Creation

    Good Afternoon modding community. I just found both the free time and the courage to try and create a new city state, and every time I load a test scenario with the city state in question, I get this heart-wrenching error: "Runtime Error! Program: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamap... This...
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