Recent content by JFogg

  1. J

    Religion as Primary Ideology

    Those points make sense, and I'm inclined to agree with your idea for simply upgrading the culture/influence system to better reflect the fact that it represents ideology. What would you suggest along these lines, though? For my part, the reason I proposed that ideological conflict be...
  2. J

    Religion as Primary Ideology

    Awesome. I don't know much about the coding that would be involved, but that doesn't sound like it would be hard to implement, once the base code was established. The modders might need to delve a bit into the Python, however. Do you mean removing ideologies from your own cities, or...
  3. J

    Religion as Primary Ideology

    I've been lurking in this forum for a short time, and I've been thinking a little bit about the use of religion in the mod. I've seen proposals ranging from ditching religion altogether, to creating a new set of religions within the SMAC fiction, to using religions as substitutes for the...
  4. J

    [WIP] End of Civilization: Canada

    I was thinking about the factions, and, perhaps it's just that I'm American and not all that familiar with the different Canadian regions, but I didn't find them all that interesting. I suppose mainly, besides the independent Quebec and ARF, none of the factions seem to have much personality...
  5. J

    Revolution: with BarbarianCiv, Rebellion, AIAutoPlay

    Ah, excellent! The lack of something like this has always been my problem with the civ series. If I may, could I suggest at some point in the future adding a component for destroyed civilizations to re-emerge? What I had in mind was something along the lines of, India is conquered by the...
  6. J

    Ancient republics mod

    I dunno. I thought the politics types in Civ 4 were kinda funky- Representation is different than Universal Suffrage? No ancient republics? What? But then I started to think about them more, and I really do think that they're well designed and correspond to meaningful historical systems...
  7. J

    Ethnically Diverse Units (4/16/06)

    I was thinking that, when you eventually get to doing Indian units, the Fast Worker might be a good thing to use. For that matter, the regular Worker's cloth hat looks Middle-Eastern-ish enough that you might want to consider using it as the head model for Middle Eastern units.
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