Recent content by Kester

  1. K

    Late Game Villages (huts)

    How odd, I distinctly remember getting Philosophy out of one, maybe I'm going insane. :crazyeye:
  2. K

    Late Game Villages (huts)

    The best thing I ever got from a hut was Philosophy - not as good as Astronomy, I'll admit, but it did tickle me to imagine these barbarians alternating sitting around pondering the meaning of existence with going off the next day to hit people with clubs. :D
  3. K

    Crossbowman. Who uses them?

    When's a good time to go for crossbows? I tend to find I only bother going for machinery early on when I've got metal casting through the oracle - otherwise metal casting -> machinery costs a LOT of beakers for the era for (what I see as) less return than other techs around at the same time...
  4. K

    Quotable Quotes

    The democracy one is good too...."Democracy is the worst form of government except all the others that have been tried" :D
  5. K

    Definitely, war is very badly implemented

    While this makes sense, the problem is that in many games it just seems to result in the player getting bundled by as many AIs as possible. Even if you're fighting a war you can win, you will still lose some units doing it, at which point another AI will join in, then another and another until...
  6. K

    How to keep captured cities....

    Yeah, but even then you just get a city with no workable tiles around it because it's enveloped in another civs culture, so it's pretty much useless, and almost invariably starves down to size 1. You get the same problem when culture flipping other civs cities - I don't think a city has ever...
  7. K

    3v3 PBEM

    I'm interested, but how often would we be expected to play turns? I can probably manage once every 24 hrs most of the time, but there's bound to be some days where I can't manage - will this be OK?
  8. K

    Change the UN

    Oh, aren't I daft? I spent ages trying to work out how to do it and concluded you couldn't! Turns out the most obvious method is the one I missed, thanks for that!
  9. K

    Change the UN

    Being able to repeal resolutions would be great too. At the moment, once a resolution is passed, everyone's strategic options are limited for the duration of the game. Civ is supposed to be all about "interesting choices", so why are we having them taken away?
  10. K

    Demographics Screen

    On a related note to the soldier info, I'd quite like to know how power is calculated. I'm trying very hard to see the relationship between the power graph and the number and tech level of the units I have, but it's evading me! In my last game, for example, I was at war with Isabella and...
  11. K

    "Stop trading with our bitter enemy!" But I'm not :(

    I've got this a number of times, where an AI will tell me to stop trading with their enemy, then tell me who it is. So, I go to the trade screen and I'm not trading with them; I have no agreements at all, not even open borders. I'm not sure if this is actually affecting my rating with the civ...
  12. K

    Firaxis ... PLEASE ... add a Culvurn.

    Historical arguments aside, I think this might be good for another gameplay reason: AI. It seems to me that the AI uses siege weapons well in the medieval age (ie when catapults have been invented fairly recently) and in the modern age when they have artillery, but in between I rarely see siege...
  13. K

    Easy paced PBEM inUK

    RED1, did you pick the game up from this thread? I'm wondering if it's doing the rounds quietly or just sitting here!
  14. K

    Please fix Open Borders

    I think you're missing the mark a little here - the point he's making is that the Romans letting Greece use their land to attack him is basically an act of war; thus, if a peace treaty is in effect, they either shouldn't be allowed to do it, or the peace treaty should be cancelled. I think the...
  15. K

    Do ages actually do anything?

    Just wondering if there's any effect at all of reaching a certain age? As far as I can tell it's a purely cosmetic thing, am I right in thinking this? Only I've seen a few people say something like "Beelining for tech x will get you to the y age quicker" and now I'm starting to wonder.....
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