Recent content by King of Camelot

  1. King of Camelot

    How's Your Computer Doing?

    I knew this site before so I decided to test again, I got a 680. Beat you munzy! ;) :p It told me I had IE cache at 2 GB! Good thing I don't use IE. The only probs with my computer was, security(don't use IE anyways), cache size, and graphics card acceloration set to none(my graphics card has...
  2. King of Camelot

    wha'ts the reason you choose your names and avatars?

    I don't really know why I chose my name, I guess its cause I have always like the King Arthur legend so I named myself King of Camelot, as for my avatar, it looks like a king ;) .
  3. King of Camelot

    what is a jaimo?

    @GIDustin For me it wasn't a folder, it was a file without and ending and i renamed it to a zip and all the files were in the zip. The file appeared in the extras folder.
  4. King of Camelot

    what is a jaimo?

    Change your year to something over 2003 and it puts a file named jaimo in your extras folder. I renamed it to a zip file and voila, the same results as Miriya13.
  5. King of Camelot

    CFC Dissappears, Life Stops

    Well, if TF just sends out an email to eveyone saying you must pay $1 to keep your account then he would cover some of the cost. ;)
  6. King of Camelot

    Who do you live with?

    Parents and sister, thought shes never home now that she can drive.
  7. King of Camelot

    goodhut turns into city

    I thought it started only in PtW, I never saw it in regular civ3. :hmm: Can anyone else confirm this?
  8. King of Camelot

    goodhut turns into city

    It is a new ability in PTW, you can still get settlers but you also can get cities. Cities appear mainly for expansionist civs, though it can happen for regualr civs, at a much lower rate.
  9. King of Camelot

    Unexplained CPU Spike...

    Duh...................Wow, thanks for clearing that up, I'm guessing you know a lot about computers?:D ;) I thought it was the software when it hit 3 GHZ this morning. :)
  10. King of Camelot

    No Thread

    I noticed when going to this thread: there is no text inbetween the header and bottom, it tells the time on the bottom though. Does this happen for any one else? I also noticed it in a thread about the forbidden palace in civ3...
  11. King of Camelot

    Do home security systems actually make our houses safer?

    Never had a security system, never needed one. I live in a small town so I like to think nothing like that would happen her, but someon recently did steal the radio out of my sister's car when it was parked RIGHT in front of the house. I think the best security system you can have is a 10...
  12. King of Camelot

    Unexplained CPU Spike...

    I have experienced a extremely high and unexplained cpu spike. I have a 1.4 GHZ AMD Athlon XP 1600+. The other day I noticed it spiked to 1.6 so I had my monitor start a log. Just today I saw a amazing spike. It jumped from 1.4 GHZ to 2 GHZ. The comp was only on for 5 mins or so cause I had...
  13. King of Camelot

    Cruising the units_32 file in VB

    What I would use is bitblt. You will need two picture boxes, one with the uits_32.pcx loaded into it, you will want to make the picture box hidden, and one that is 33 x 33 pixels for the unit icon. Bitblt copies a section from x, y to *I think* another x, y. I will try to dig up what I have...
  14. King of Camelot

    need help

    I didn't know which one you needed so I attached the regular civ3 resources and the PTW ones. Here you go:
  15. King of Camelot

    More Easter Eggs in PTW

    Heres another easter egg, a Greek city named Apolyton. Pic from editor: Thunderfall got a city too! Under the Scandanvia city list: Not sure but I think the English have three, one is a city called The Mumbles, a Great Leader named Wallace and a Great Leader named Clinton.
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