Recent content by lemming0815

  1. L

    German Civilization Wiki (Civ1, Civ2, Civ3, Civ4 ...)

    For all of you, which don't understand german: _______________________________________ Hi! now, the german CivWiki is reachable at There are about 1300 articles ready to read, divided in categories: Civ4 Civ3 Civ2 Civ1 Civ4 FfH Feel free to visit, read...
  2. L

    German community translation

    You forget all the people, who play such games and don't want to read and translate English all time...
  3. L

    Probabilities of goody huts, C3C

    First to say: great summary! :goodjob: But I've got one question left: Does this really matter? I've never realized these effect myself. Sorry for bumping an old thread, but I'm working on the german Civilization Wiki. ;)
  4. L

    Did I break the treaty? Thank you!

    I think, a trade route is always needed.
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