Recent content by Lord Monkey

  1. L

    Paying customer satisfaction

    I'm not dismissing your argument, I'm dismissing your biased poll. Also, the game costs 50 bucks. You preordered it instead of waiting to see if it was worth it. You also paid a high premium for (imo) worthless extras like figurines. Wouldn't you be half as mad, numerically, if you'd just paid...
  2. L

    Paying customer satisfaction

    Or people could just have.. a DIFFERENT OPINION. Dun dun dun. Is it really that hard to believe? Seems like you're mostly mad you got hosed for 105 bucks.
  3. L


    I'd like to point out that the people telling others to attempt to get a refund based on a fraudulent claim that the game doesn't work on their PCs are committing conspiracy to defraud whichever company they purchased the game from. Real classy. :mischief:
  4. L

    Help me love this game

    For gods sake, Thormodr, do you have to turn every thread into your own personal soapbox? He asked for ways to help him enjoy to game, not your sinister plan to bring those dastardly game designers to their knees. Anyway... I would say experiment with different map types and strategies. Try to...
  5. L

    Quick Questions and Answers

    Some units require strategic resources to build. Horsemen need horses. You have a finite number of strategic resources, and when you've used them (by building units that require them) you can't build any more resource-needing units until you get your hands on more.
  6. L

    Your most memorable decision in a Civ game

    Really the only game-long consequences I've had are from building cities in stupid places. Everything else can get smoothed over with the proper application of hulk-smash.
  7. L


    Will you be my valentine? :mischief: Srsly, you just summed up my feelings on like.. maybe 97% of all the posts made in general discussion. Are you some kinda mind reading wizard? :sad:
  8. L

    I think we agree

    The world would be entirely more confusing if it wasn't.
  9. L

    So did ANY of the people who reviewed this game actually PLAY it???

    Your smiley sums up my feelings perfectly. Thanks for showing me that one, cuz now I have something to use on the bajillion (not an exaggeration) near-identical posts complaining about this game. A lot of the complaining seems to be done by a few of the people. I've seen Thormodr make at least...
  10. L

    Do you quit when you know you will definitely win?

    When I'm in that situation (cultural victory waiting mode) I try to micromanage to shave turns off the 30. If it takes 3 turns to kill the civ, why not do it, considering the 200ish turns you've spent getting there? There's an auto-production button in cities. I often use it when I feel...
  11. L

    Do you quit when you know you will definitely win?

    Cool your jets, son. You expect me to simultaneously respond to like 5 different people? Let's be realistic. My point is, at what point does it go from "playing a game" to "clicking along to reach the end" of a "very boring piece of software?" The point of a game is to achieve victory by...
  12. L

    Do you quit when you know you will definitely win?

    What you just said failed to refute or really even address what I was talking about. :mischief: Even if you've overpowered and outteched an AI, you're still playing the game up until the victory screen. And even then you can keep playing. Care to expound on what you meant, or am I correct...
  13. L

    Do you quit when you know you will definitely win?

    I'm so good at Civ, I assume I'm going to win as soon as I start a game, then I quit immediately so the computer can avoid yet another humiliating "defeat" at my hands! Seriously. If you're so far ahead you "know" you're going to win, why don't you just win? If you're that advanced it shouldn't...
  14. L

    [BUG/EXPLOIT] how to get 9000 gold in one turn from the AI + war elephants are IMBA

    First off, super painful to make sense of the first post. Not trying to flame, but spell check called, it missed you. Secondly, yes, you exploited the AI and the DoW system (which have both been firmly established as wonky and broken) to get a ton of gold, then spammed a powerful unit. That...
  15. L

    Athens? No, this is...

    "I'm confident on an entertaining Deity play. So off we go. Standard Pangea." It's the first thing he posted.
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