Recent content by Louis XXIV

  1. Louis XXIV

    Roads built by workers? Poll

    I lean towards a hybrid system. Automated roads, but the ability to manually do them (probably with added costs, such as upkeep).
  2. Louis XXIV

    Reasons for not pre-ordering

    I will pre-order if I have a system that can run it. If I don't, I will wait. I trust them to make a game that I will enjoy that will be improved to be even better over time. Pre-Orders are good for the development team since it'll help them get money to pay people before release. If you...
  3. Louis XXIV

    What system will I need to play this?

    Thanks for an answer. That's what I was looking for. Civilization generally doesn't have top of the line requirements, but it is higher than my crappy laptop can support. The goal is to get something good enough to play Civ8 as well, ideally.
  4. Louis XXIV

    CIV VII: 1UPT, Stack of Doom or Carpet of Doom. What's your prefs?

    I don't want to bring back stack of doom. IMO, it made combat tedious. I've suggested some kind of method to form armies and have an entire stack resolve in one move. The closest analogy I can think of is Total War's auto-resolve feature.
  5. Louis XXIV

    Civ 7 Feature wishlist, whether reasonable or not!

    I also think it overly encouraged artillery. Personally, I want a combat system that takes less time to resolve. Whether it's forming armies and having them fight as a complete army or whatever they think of, I don't want Civ3's game where you had probably 50 units in a stack and had to fight...
  6. Louis XXIV

    What system will I need to play this?

    We're obviously still in speculation mode since it's very early, but based on past trends and current games, what do you think the system requirements will be to play this on a PC? I'm going to be in the market for a new computer. I don't think it'll need a top of the line gaming computer...
  7. Louis XXIV

    Civ 7 Feature wishlist, whether reasonable or not!

    I'm going to predict a new combat system. I think it would be a mistake to go back to stacks of doom, but I think they'll want to try something else.
  8. Louis XXIV


  9. Louis XXIV

    First Look: Macedon with Alex the Great

    I'm not convinced Macedon should be separate from Greece. I can see the appeal to that (I used to think they should be separate), but the more I've learned, the less it appeals to me. They certainly thought of themselves as Greek and spoke a dialect of Greek even if a very specific subset of...
  10. Louis XXIV

    Repulsive Political Agenda

    Civ4 used "Free Market," while Communism was "State Property."
  11. Louis XXIV

    Vote for your 3 civs you would most like to see (Part I : Western Europe) ?

    Austria-Hungary is weird to have as a Civ. It didn't exist very long (compared to the Austrian Empire) and it was basically a beginning of the disintegration of the Empire. Essentially, it's two states with the same head of state. People just know it by that name because of World War I.
  12. Louis XXIV

    Vote for your 3 civs you would most like to see (Part III : Western Asia) ?

    It certainly existed (at least Judah certainly existed, but probably both). FWIW, I tend to think Israel should exist as a combination of the ancient and modern states. I would rather have a Merkavah as a unit than an ancient unit, but I'd still be in favor of some trait or otherwise that...
  13. Louis XXIV

    Vote for your 3 civs you would most like to see (Part VI : Maghreb and West Africa) ?

    I voted for Ashanti, Mali, and Carthage. I was really tempted to vote for Morocco as well because I wanted the Moors/Almoravids, but I couldn't think of anyone to drop. I felt the Mali are far too important. The Ashanti are a fascinating one to include as a true West African Kingdom (I'm glad...
  14. Louis XXIV

    Vote for your 3 civs you would most like to see (Part I : Western Europe) ?

    I'd rather not do a league. Either the Grand Duchy of Tuscany, the Most Serene Republic of Venice, or it should be an Italian Civilization.
  15. Louis XXIV

    Vote for your 3 civs you would most like to see (Part I : Western Europe) ?

    Cultures like the Maya are often represented by a single Civ. Civilization and State are not synonymous. There's nothing wrong with the Italian Civilization including all those city-states.
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