Recent content by makrisgialos

  1. M

    HELP! Loyalty destroys my games!

    Dear community, Used to play with a mod called "loyal capitals". This prevented capitals ( even city states ) to be affected by any kind of foreign loyalty. Now, with this new update, loyalty returned back and i want again loyal capitals, or even more, make loyalty dissappear or have no effect...
  2. M

    Hydroelectric power

    Dear All, I want to ask your help about ... to make the electric power from Hydroelectric plant spread to all my cities? (I m playing with only 2 cities always my capital and once more). Anybody knows or has to propose anything? Thank you.
  3. M

    Resource distribution!!!

    Dear all, anybody knows how these factors affect the resource distribution? <Resource_Distribution> <Row Continents="1" Scarce="0" Average="7" Plentiful="0" PercentAdjusted="25"/> <Row Continents="2" Scarce="4" Average="3" Plentiful="0" PercentAdjusted="25"/> <Row...
  4. M

    [GS] CO2 Emission Effeciency

    Lee s thx for your reply. I dont know how to edit lua files. Yet i have found this: <Resources> <Update> <Where ResourceType="RESOURCE_ALUMINUM"/> <Set> <Frequency>31</Frequency> </Set> </Update> <Update>...
  5. M

    [GS] CO2 Emission Effeciency

    Well i have found that the emissions of CO2 are having great effect in early stages of the game and it was really annoying for me. Your idea about the conservation civic is indeed good yet i m afraid this requires many changes and a lot of work. It also requires deep programming knowledge and i...
  6. M

    [GS] More resources

    Hello modders, Please i want your help! :( I play always in Duel Size map, but i ve made modifications to be fit more players (7). But i see very few resources (although i m selecting a map with more resources). Is there any way that i can increase the appearance of strategy resources? I see...
  7. M

    [GS] CO2 Emission Effeciency

    Hello there, i wanted tha same thing. Yet, i believe i have found the way to do it. Go to Expansion2 resources.xml and there is a sentence which has this: CO2perkWh Its the amount of fuel (coal, oil, uranium) burned / Kwh. The coal has a high value of course, the Oil less and uranium even...
  8. M

    Polar Ice Melt- decrease this effect!

    Dear all, I believe that the way the Coal, Oil, emissions to atmosphere produce ice melting very very quickly. Therefore, anybody knows any way to either decrease ice melt or- decrease the pollution emissions ? Thank you
  9. M

    Loyal Capitals mod Needed!

    Dear All, The Loyalty ghost on Capital Towns returns, and i MUST find a way to make Capitals Immune to Loyalty pressures. Anyone has a compatible mod with Gathering Storms which can make capitals free of Loyalty pressure?
  10. M

    Loyal Capitals

    Hello, is this mod compatible with the new Civ Gathering storms? Or have you perhaps any identical mod working to be compatible?
  11. M

    UBOAT EFFECT-want it to be available to all Subs-HELP please! :(

    ok!!!many thanks for your efforts. BTW the removing trait does work for Minais Geraes!!!!!!All the best to you!!!! Love you man, thx!!!!
  12. M

    UBOAT EFFECT-want it to be available to all Subs-HELP please! :(

    Agree definately, but where the classes are located? In civ 4 or 5 i believe there was a separate XML with classes, i didnt see something similar here.
  13. M

    UBOAT EFFECT-want it to be available to all Subs-HELP please! :(

    Well dont care about civilopedia, i can do testing. But adding the rest of abilities, is indeed painfull, cause a lot of editing is required. Anyway. Thank you so much. I can experiment on this now and see how it goes. Something last: Is there any way to make unique units available to all...
  14. M

    UBOAT EFFECT-want it to be available to all Subs-HELP please! :(

    YES!!!!!! The sight range WORKS!!!!
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