Recent content by Mallady

  1. Mallady

    Funny Screenshots

    Again, weird more than funny... but I'm just wondering, concerning the last row "Imports/Exports," how my rivals average a net trade balance (Imports=Exports), yet I'm running a huge trade deficit (Imports 120, Exports 53).... um, where am I getting all my stuff from?
  2. Mallady

    Funny Screenshots

    Are you sure the Aztecs didn't build the wonder, only to have the Barbarians capture it afterwards? (That's how those lazy barbarians roll) :p
  3. Mallady

    10 Fun Challenges

    I think what the scenario referred to was to choose four civs *before* you start (i.e., the English, Persians, Malinese, & Egyptians) that you promise to war against whenever you see them, so if you start a game and find yourself against the Americans, Russians, Persians, & Egyptians, you will...
  4. Mallady

    What units do you miss?

    1) Dromon (Byzantine) - Extra attack ability in the early ages (and Greek Fire) 2) Javelin Thrower (Mayan) - Archer with extra defense, and enslavement skill 3) Crusader - With the Knights Templar, start cranking these out every 5 turns Of course, the first two belong to civs that aren't...
  5. Mallady

    1 units instead of 3

    While not a believer at first, I've really grown to like the 3-unit display... makes it really easy to see the strength of any unit at just a glance. Saves time.
  6. Mallady

    Funny Screenshots

    Take a look at the scores in Condor's game... I have a feeling he just might win that one ;)
  7. Mallady

    What are GPs for?

    I think it's confusing because I use GP to refer to Great Persons or Great People, and to the points (GP points, or GPP) needed to produce them. :king:
  8. Mallady


    Not those of other competing civilizations... ;)
  9. Mallady

    Wouldn't it Be Nice for a Industrious and Philosophical Leader

    With only two missing trait-combinations, I assume we'll have to see additional traits in any future expansion... perhaps see the return of seafaring/scientific?
  10. Mallady

    We've talked about missing civs, how about missing leaders?

    America - Jefferson (influential idealist, philosophical engine behind the Declaration) America - Jackson (just because I'd love to see his ugly-mug in the diplomacy screen!) England - Churchill Japan - How can Mutsuhito (Meiji) not be included? Seriously... Persia - Xerxes Russia - Lenin...
  11. Mallady

    Can somebody explain this to me (US-American conservatives)?

    Yes. Fish symbol - Wikipedia :jesus:
  12. Mallady

    Sid Meier's Civilization IV Info Center

    New screenshots at GameSpot. Closer-scale than ever before. Get to see railroads, ampitheaters, city walls, missionaries, and some religion-specific temples.
  13. Mallady

    What are your top values?

    1) Love 2) Intimacy 3) Freedom 4) Comfort 5) Security 6) Health 7) Success 8) Passion 9) Adventure 10) Power
  14. Mallady

    The Ten Commandments: an authoritative thread

    As a non-Christian, I would view a monument to the Ten Commandments in the courtroom in the same light that I would view a judge who sits at the bench attired in a chasuble and mitre. Even if there is no overt influence on the adjudication, the feeling and appearance is one of preference of...
  15. Mallady

    The Ten Commandments: an authoritative thread

    I think the Establishment Clause has been interpreted as also prohibiting the preference of one religion over another, not necessarily only through lawful establishment of a national religion, but also by "excessive entanglement" of government and religion and the appearance of preference. I...
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