I'm a huge fan of Chichen Itza + Sitting Bull + Machine Gun (upgdraded from totem pole x-bows) turtling in the unmodded game, while ignoring rilfing until post assembly line.
You farm so many GG's from the AI's in the meantime. Works best with Statue of Zeus and Great wall. I personally prefer...
Thank you. There were so many antiquated threads, this one works.
Also thank you for the code locations on trade routes and fail gold.
I've completely removed the research slider from my mod (meaning its a specialist economy only mod) and I needed these features.
Hi there. There are a lot of old guides between 2006 and 2014 that discuss modding the DLL and provide links (many of which don't work anymore) for the tools such as "SDK" and "Microsoft Visual 2010", etc.
I just want very basic instructions for 2024. Talk to me like an idiot. Pretend I know...
Yes. Each time I test the game, my goal is to get the ancient era to 1000 turns (850-1100 for the strongest to weakest empires), then make the next era very slow for the first couple of techs so others can catch up.
Hi all. I am currently designing a supermarathon mod (techs take twelve times longer than in marathon).
However, due to the extremely slow tech rate, the game would be world of axes and then world of catapults for roughly 3000 turns each.
More generally, I have done my best to address this...
I discovered this problem myself with raging barbs, where both me and the AI's couldn't attack stacks of 5-10 barbs, with the stacks eventually growing to 40+ and one shotting every city, causing half the civs to die before 2000 BC.
The solution is to find the CIV4LeaderHeadInfos in (MOD NAME...
Don't want to make a new thread since it's highly related.
Anyone know how to increase the amount of space a loaded unit adds to cargo? I want siege units to occupy two cargo points.
Even though my galley has 10 cargo space, I want to ensure that any committed shore invasion takes multiple...
Most likely the national park city, so he's potentially screwing with the GPP, could easily stop a defensive AI gold age.
Also the more improvement you bomb the more confused the ai gets in the modern era, as it splits it units all over the place (AI abuse is necessary for a modern shore...
At the 18 minute mark I start talking about the navy changes. I have a walking pneumonia at the moment, so you'll hear me cough and rasp from time to time. It's why I'm home with all this time atm.
First 18 minutes is me discussing what led me to these navy changes.
General Synopsis, ships...
Hey there. I'm looking to reduce Navy Speed to one tile per turn in enemy territory (to force AI's to DoW first when they send their galleons/transports to avoid diplo penalties).
As of now I am using an extreme bandaid by setting the galley, galleon, dutchman and transport to 1 movement speed...
Because they hit like a mack truck if you do. I'll chop every forest and whip to oracle it. Also buys you setup time for the Gers.
I've also noticed that Kmod Ai's attack you the moment you start researching horseback riding as mongolia. The oracle circumvents this.
Speaking of Kmod, the...
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