Recent content by Meowmix

  1. M

    Houston elects first openly gay mayor

    delete please, mispost. Thanks.
  2. M

    Most hated music genre?

    Ah, thanks ^-^ Just checked out the wiki page on it, apparently it's a radio term. I always thought of JA as pschy/folk rock, same goes for cream, though I suppose the classification doesn't really matter :)
  3. M

    New Doubts about Obama's Americanicity: Where was He Actually Born?

    Wouldn't the security services have done background checks on the candidates to make sure they were elligible, seems pretty important.
  4. M

    Most hated music genre?

    What do we mean by classic rock here? It makes me think of little richard more than led zepp >_>
  5. M

    What do you call the thing green day's using?

    Changing the mic setting, distortion, or mabye just using a backing track and miming for that part ^^
  6. M

    RFC Europe Files

    Not sure if this is the right place to post this, but I downloaded the newest version, and when I try to play it it crashes at the init graphics stage ( I can start the mod and chose a civ fine). I haven't used an older version of it before, any ideas how to fix it? Sorry if you answered...
  7. M

    Hypothetical regarding political/cultural beliefs

    I'd rather be A ^^ This post isn't about which one's views I prefer by the way, it's about which one I'd dislike more if I had to live near them :D A are open losers, B seem holier than thou, morally supierior and more damaging to be around. IMO, the bad stuff about A is all on show...
  8. M

    Your thoughts about South Park Season 13

    I thought all the episodes were good, though the queefing one was a low just for treading over some old ground with regards to double standards, and then making it a bit soppier =| I loved Margaritaville, Cartman blaming the jews was somehow suprising while expected, and anything involving...
  9. M

    Hey Arnold! Appreciation Thread

    Hey arnold was great, as were all the other old shows *dreamy eyes* And they really have just gotten worse, look at the BBC stuff now... But Spongebob's great <3
  10. M

    What is the atheist's obsession with religion?

    Because it has a habit of telling them that they're evil, hell bound, sinners? :mischief:
  11. M

    Do you engage in ethnic/racial nationalism?

    My english is a bit shakey so please bear with me :) Just to clarify, are we talking about jews as an ethnic group or religion? I think all those jews who don't live in israel are good evidence to show that they don't have a problem with being a minority, and they are the majority of...
  12. M

    Do you engage in ethnic/racial nationalism?

    What problem do jews have swedes, and why do you act as if jews are all the same/have the same views etc.
  13. M

    Google Ruined YouTube

    Super ruined, in the UK almost every music video is 'not available in your country' :'( most the available ones are form american offical channels, so at least I can still watch the jonas brothers... :cry::cry::cry::cry::cry:
  14. M

    Is the American economy permanently screwed?

    If a large proportion of Russia's income is based on commodities such as timber and oil, then collapsing demand will hit you pretty hard. By the way, are those supposed to be dollar signs for the oil prices?
  15. M

    Why are there few females with Aspergers?

    Thought of a decent example for pannonius, Prince John Though you might be more comfortable acknowledging epilepsy as it had a physical symptom... Some things like ADHD are certainly misdiagnosed, but that doesn't mean you should tar other problems with the same brush, which, like autism...
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