Recent content by mjmenary

  1. M

    [R&F] A Roman AAR starting on turn 314

    Turn 321 - 322 The Scottish attack came. 1 Ship of the sunk. Incredibly, Brest still stood. Worryingly, a Scottish Iron Clad had now joined the attack. 4 Scottish Frigates ( 1 badly damaged ), and 1 Iron Clad, versus 7 Ship of the lines ( 2 badly damaged ), and 1 Privateer. Brest had no...
  2. M

    [R&F] A Roman AAR starting on turn 314

    Turn 320 – 321 Captain Enzo ordered the evacuation of all non essential personnel and civilians from the city, but the bombardment from the Scottish Frigates meant this was nothing more than a symbolic order, as the reality was that citizens had no where to go. With the Frigates pounding...
  3. M

    [R&F] A Roman AAR starting on turn 314

    Turn 319 – 320 Scotland launched an offensive against the ship of the lines, almost sinking one. All told, 5 Scottish Frigates were now positioned near Brest, and the Roman defences, whilst putting up a valiant defence, were showing many signs of wear With only 1 of the current 4 Ship of the...
  4. M

    [R&F] A Roman AAR starting on turn 314

    A new city was founded this year as well. Praia, located south of Tenerife, and off the West coast of Africa, would need protection given its remote location off the mainland. The senate agreed, and some 80% of available Roman coin was spent investing in strong walls, and funding a division of...
  5. M

    [R&F] A Roman AAR starting on turn 314

    Turn 317 – 318 Scotland launched its first assault on Brest, 5 ships were involved, causing significant damage in the area. The 5 Scottish frigates also caused major damage to a 2nd Ship of the Line, which will reduce Rome’s ability to launch any effective defence of Brest. The city of...
  6. M

    [R&F] A Roman AAR starting on turn 314

    Turn 316 – 317 Scotland continues to harass units in the channel, this time causing significant damage to the ships defending the area. A Ship of the Line reported two Scottish frigates attacked, and despite the best efforts of the captain, the Ship of the Line received extensive damage...
  7. M

    [R&F] A Roman AAR starting on turn 314

    In terms of technology, Rome has deliberately held back from researching Gunpowder. Square Rigging is currently being researched, and Gunpowder will not be researched until every other available technology is completed first. On the civics tree, Natural History is currently being researched...
  8. M

    [R&F] A Roman AAR starting on turn 314

    North West Africa has also been settled by the empire. 4 cities on the continent are well developed, with room to continue growth south and to the East. Carthage has joined the 16 Nations against Rome, and poses a risk to Cherchell to the West, as well as trading routes in the Mediterranean...
  9. M

    [R&F] A Roman AAR starting on turn 314

    Western Europe is where an attack could result in much ground being lost. Brest, on the peninsular of North West France, is open to direct assault on 4 sides. A concentrated Naval bombardment, particularly from Scotland, could see the city fall quickly. With Roman fleets only able to launch...
  10. M

    [R&F] A Roman AAR starting on turn 314

    Northern Europe is where Rome has its industrial heartland. With Norway to the North being a constant threat to the Roman Empire, a number of Ship of the lines patrol these waters, should Norway decide to launch an invasion of the mainland. The northern Roman cities of Kiel, Gorzow Wielkopolski...
  11. M

    [R&F] A Roman AAR starting on turn 314

    Moving westwards, to the former Russian territory, things are slightly better for Rome. To the North East Sumeria has several cities, including Larak, which borders Aktobe. Larak is likely to fall into rebellion soon, which could be a blessing for Rome. To the South east Sumeria has number of...
  12. M

    [R&F] A Roman AAR starting on turn 314

    The 2 most Eastern cities of the Roman Empire, Bayingol on the right, Kizilsu on the left. To the South is the Indian empire, to the East is China, to the North is Mongolia, and to the South West is Sumeria. On the far left of the screen, just out of view is the city of Aktobe, the nearest Roman...
  13. M

    [R&F] A Roman AAR starting on turn 314

    The demographics also tells its own story. With a population 5 times that of the world average, and standing army 5 times the average, Rome could easily sweep aside any nation it chooses. However with 16 remaining CPU players ( Russia was swallowed by Rome around turn 200, and Gandhi was taken...
  14. M

    [R&F] A Roman AAR starting on turn 314

    AAR: After Action Report ? AAR : Andy loves Ronda? AAR: Aardvarks admire raspberry’s? Its the first one... Its a Civilisation 6 AAR (Rise and Fall) Yay ! Well, lets hope so, because, I have wanted to do one of these for a while, but I have read many different ones, different styles, some...
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