Recent content by mlund

  1. M

    When Spain gets two NWs to itself early game

    The Lake Victoria vs. King Solomon's Mine inspired me to try another game with Spain and go for broke. I didn't get a Natural Wonder at my capital, but I did discover the Rock of Gibraltar and El Dorado by turn 10. It was a total blow-out. I was using the beta test build so I decided to see just...
  2. M

    Piety change

    I have to agree with the idea that the opener and Religious Freedom both need work. I think that if you just mimic Tradition or Liberty openers then the Piety opener would work: +3 Faith in the capital or +1 Faith per city. Whatever. Just help get the ball rolling without immediately taxing...
  3. M

    Something smells rotten in the state of Denmark: No Denmark fix?

    The elephant in the room for the Danes and the Japanese (who still stink even with the Fall Patch) is the awful tech-tree design putting Gunpowder exactly one tech away from Steel. Just make the gap wider and the Civs with replacement Longswords get that much better. Seriously, if it switched...
  4. M

    Barbarians spawn in my land???HELP!!!

    Those aren't Barbarians. Those are Rebels. You're such a terrible leader that your own citizenry want you dead. You should probably abdicate and seek asylum in some other country. - Marty Lund
  5. M

    Great writers

    You are right. The guy who spouted that they are fixed at point of spawn was completely wrong. I did a test on Quick with Pacal and my Great Writer bulb value went up each time my Culture Per Turn increased and rolled into the 8 turn total. You can horde Great Writers from the start of the game...
  6. M

    Great writers

    Hm, interesting. That means hording Great Scientists later in the game is useless. Use them immediate when they spawn if you are going to bulb, eh? They just go stale relative to the growth of your civilization's output, then. Hm ... spawn-timing is definitely important then. - Marty Lund
  7. M

    Great writers

    Has anyone observed whether Writer output from their bulb is tied to base culture production or total culture production? I'm just wondering if waiting until a Golden Age is well underway would provide a higher yield. Seems like culture focus in all cities for X turns of a Golden Age would be a...
  8. M

    Share Your First BNW Experiences Here

    Venice can purchase with Faith in puppet cities, as well as with Gold. - Marty Lund
  9. M

    Share Your First BNW Experiences Here

    Cathedrals changed to +1 Culture, +1 Happiness, +1 Faith - but now come with a Great Work of Art / Artifact slot. All other religious buildings are unchanged. - Marty Lund
  10. M

    The "Got it Installed!" thread

    I already have Direct X9 installed, why is it re-installing it every other of 43 steps? This is ridiculous. - Marty Lund
  11. M

    Slavery in BNW

    I think the population that's subtracted when you conquer or raze a city should be converted into Gold by default to represent the "spoils system" pillaging type of slavery common in many civilizations. If nothing else it'll stop rewarding the AI for spending all its treasury and running -GPT...
  12. M

    Brave New World's 9 new Civs

    You could represent the renaissance proto-Italian civilization of northern Italy by addressing it as the Lombard civilization. It covers everything from the Barbarian Invasions in the 500s (last Germanic invaders to seize control of the area) to the Lombard League era where the various duchies...
  13. M

    G-Minor XLVIII

    Thanks for the posts, @glory7. I chewed it over and I think the slow speed of the Galleass has been holding back my runs. Pushing Commerce earlier to hit Naval Tradition earlier instead of trying to finish Tradition would've helped my games immensely. Building / Stealing the Great Lighthouse...
  14. M

    G-Minor XLVIII

    Hate the map generator so much ... I had a perfect bead on a 150 or less finish, hitting critical mass of a Galleass rush followed by Navigation popped by Oxford with a 6 Iron settlement follow-up. And then I made peace with William, only to discover that he shared a giant snaking...
  15. M

    G-Minor XLVIII

    Yeah, I botched a nice run at finishing around 160 last night by accidentally settling my Iron City before finishing Oxford. Had to dump 1,060 gold into buying Library and University just to pop Navigation and then I didn't have money left for upgrades until later. :P Maybe it was just as...
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