Recent content by nipah

  1. N


    So far, I've played 2-3 ~200+ turn games with these lua settings: imaxSmokePerTurn = 1 iJungleGrowthTurnTime = 10 iForestGrowthTurnTime = 10 iBurnTurnTime = 7 iForestGrowthProbability = 3 iJungleGrowthProbability = 3 iForestBurnProbability = 1 iJungleBurnProbability = 1...
  2. N


    Haven't noticed anything bug related yet, enjoying it ! Breathes a little new life into vp seeing the fires and regrowth throughout the ages.
  3. N


    Yea it worked when I just opened it with 7zip my bad lol. Excited to give it a try soon and will update if I find anything weird
  4. N


    the zip empty or corrupted for new version... wanted to try too :c
  5. N

    Cambodian Civilization for VP

    Yea I just tried downloading as well and the zip is unable to be opened or unpacked for me as well. :shifty:
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